Mocking Mox.

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I follow Sir Evelar to the library.

Looking around at the town's people as I do so.

There are many people in this village looking jumpy yet not panicky.

"Did you happen to bring any clothes with you?" Sir Evelar asks his raspy tone sounding a little awkward.

"No why do you ask." I ask.

"You're dress is ripped I covered you with Sir Raven's cape he will need that back." He says.

I gasp.

"Why have you only told me that now? How bad is it?" I ask.

"It's ripped right now the middle." He says.

I sigh.

"Is this corset ripped?" I ask.

"No you're literally wearing it now." He says.

I didn't even realize that.

I look down and all I'm wearing in the middle of this unfamiliar town is a corset and a black cape.

"Why didn't you say anything because we came outside?" I say embarrassed looking around again to see if anyone has noticed.

I accompany Sir Evelar to the library, surveying the townsfolk as we traverse.

Many inhabitants of this hamlet appear skittish, though not in a state of panic.

"Pray, didst thou bring garb with thee?" queries Sir Evelar, his raspy tone carrying a touch of awkwardness.

"Nay, wherefore dost thou inquire?" I respond.

"Thy attire is rent; I draped thee in Sir Raven's cloak, which he shall require anon," he informs me.

I gasp.

"Why dost thou reveal this only now? How dire is the damage?" I inquire.

"'Tis torn in the midst presently," he discloses.

I sigh.

"Is my corset torn as well?" I ask.

"Nay, thou art arrayed in it presently," he replies.

I had not even perceived that.

I cast my gaze downward, clad only in a corset and a sable cape amid this unfamiliar township.

"Why didst thou not speak sooner? Was it because we ventured outdoors?" I utter, feeling abashed, once more scanning the surroundings to ascertain if any hath taken note.

Fortuitously, none hath taken heed, and thus, I proceed on my path. In due course, Sir Evelar doth unbar a portal to a diminutive edifice, and I make ingress.

Within, ten bookshelves and five desks bereft of computing devices, and twelve desks adorned with such contrivances, do greet mine eyes.

Whispers of Willow-fall: Mox's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now