how it al began (again)

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After everything that happened in Woodsboro we all decided it would be best to move so we moved to New York City it was crazy after living in a small town all your life

Everything also got out about Sam being Billy Loomis's daughter and about me being stu Macher's daughter wich was hard people painted Richie and Amber as if they where the good guys and we were the killers i was able to get over it but it always kept bothering Sam

I got lucky with the room mate lottery i got Mindy wich if that wasn't the case i would have trauma bombed someone so that i could room with Mindy. Chad and his room mate got pretty close Ethan was a dorky quite guy who was nice sometimes, but like Chad could be a real dick

Tara asked me to go to a frat party with her "come on Evie you won't die if you come out of your room once in a while!" " I disagree the last time i did that a lot of people died." "Yeah but you didn't i dont think wes would have wanted this for you y/n he wanted you to have fun let loose that sort of stuff" she really knew how to get me to do something "okay okay but i will be drunk and i will not be next to you the whole time to watch you so be safe" "i am always safe, but it is a costume party so... We have to get you a costume" as Tara said that i rolled my eyes but knew she would not take no for an answer

We arrived at the mall and went costume hunting Tara settled on a pirate. But i had to try on a shit ton of things before Tara handed me a Freddy Kreuger costume i put it on and showed it to Tara. " Perfect, you look so hot Jesus Christ Chad will love you in this ". Me and Chad agreed to let it fly over the thing we had but i still loved him with my whole heart Tara was the only one that knew that

The costume

As Tara and i arrived at the party there was a stenche of alcohol and sweat wich was not great to inhale. I spotted Chad standing in a door way with Ethan so i walked over. " Hey douche bag" "Hey Freddy" Chad said mocking my costume "i know you are not making fun of my costume mister shirtless." " Oh come on your drooling over my godly body Evie." " In your dreams big guy." " Okay but you actually came at the perfect time" i raised my eyebrows " i have a question do you think Ethan is a snack?" " I mean as weird as that question is he is cute but not the whole package i mean he could lose the dick head aditude and maybe he is a snack to put it your way."

"Hey big guy your needed" we heard Anika say from behind us i looked at Chad with an Oh shit look. "Hey partner i think Tara is good down here." Chad said to the guy i now know is Frankie. "Sorry i didn't catch that" he said. "Yes the fuck you did." I told him. "Do you have a problem with me bitch?" He asks in a daring tone. "Not yet, i might of you dont let her go." "No Evie its fine i want to." She mumbeld drunk. "Yeah Evie she wants to and maybe we could take you with us to releve some of that tention." That was what sent Chad over the edge. He leaps forward and starts hitting the guy, me and Ethan get him of of the guy. Then Sam came in and tased him in the balls. "Sam what the fuck?!" Tara yelled

"Tara will you stop" Sam told her walking behind the girl " i cannot believe you did that you embarrassed me" " Tara that guy was a dick he was gonna take advantage of you" Sam stated. "So!" "So?" If i wanna hook up with an asshole that is my decision! Its my decision!" "Okay" Sam rolled her eyes. "I mean you are out of my life for five years and then you can't leave me alone for five minutes." She said frustrated. "Because your are not dealing with what happened to us, have you even gone to see the counseler once?!" " No and im not going to!" "Why not?" "Because im not interested in living in the past like you are!" The girl said Looking at her sister. "What is that supposed to mean?" "Hey guys-" Chad tried to step in but was cut off i looked at him. "It means im not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life." "So your just gonna pretend it never happened?" " What are you doing here Sam, in New York, i mean your working two shity jobs to pay for rent but whats your plan?" "Because i know what im gonna do, im gonna keep going to college im gonna get my degree and im gonna live my life, my life, the way i know" she said. " Im just trying to look out for you." "I- I know, i know you are you cant do it for the rest of my life tho."

As she said that two girls came up to me and Sam and poured soda over Sam and wine over me. "What the fuck is your problem bitch?!" Sam and i said at the same time. Chad grabbed me and Tara and Mindy grabbed Sam. I was able to get away from Chad and accedently kicked him in his balls. I went over to the girl and launched at her then punched her straight in the nose "that is what you get for fucking with me bitch" as i turned around i saw Chad lying on the ground in pain i realised what i did. "Shit im so sorry Chad i was just really pissed of and i didn't have control over my body." I said really worried. "Its okay just give me a minute" "okay im sorry."

Writer here this is the first chapter of scream VI i really loved writing this i hope you enjoyed it

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