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GingerBrave and Wizard Cookie had been on a journey. Just them too and no one else, GingerBrave looked at Wizard Cookie who had been having a confused expression. "This isn't the right way.. are we lost.?" Wizard Cookie asked GingerBrave. GingerBrave looked around and suddenly realized he had been just walking and walking without thinking. "Uhm.." GingerBrave started to mumble. Wizard Cookie rolled his eyes. "I'm sure we can just find somewhere to rest." Wizard Cookie muttered.. Recently Wizard Cookie noticed he was being too much of a jerk to GingerBrave out of stress and decided that he should just be nicer. This wasn't exactly GingerBraves fault either so what would be the point?

Wizard Cookie grabbed GingerBraves hand and dragged him gently while walking in a different direction. They heard some.. whispering.? The boys looked around and found nothing. Suddenly one of their feet got stuck in something. It looked like paint. GingerBrave panicked and tried to pull Wizard Cookie out of it but the paint rose up from the ground and wrapped around the mage completely. GingerBrave stepped back and realized he just stepped in paint too. He screamed as the paint consumed him aswell.

GingerBrave woke up a few hours later tied up in a dark room. Wizard Cookie was still unconscious and was leaning against GingerBrave. GingerBrave tried to move to find a way to get out of the ropes that bounded them to chairs. He heard snickering and saw a pair of boots. The boots stepped closer and revealed a bit of a leg but the stranger didn't reveal their face or upper body at all.

"Awh is someone trying to break free?" The voice said between snickers. The voice was cold, and deep. Suddenly paint covered GingerBraves mouth so he couldn't make a sound and the figure moved into the light and pointed it at his face blinding the poor boy. The figure was tall, had pale skin, long black and white hair. Had a pink diamond that didn't reflect any light in the room on their neck, and had their hair up in a ponytail. The figure also had a scar over one of their eyes and it was pitch black. The figure made eye contact with GingerBrave who was just about crying at that point. The person stepped back a bit and moved the light away from the boys face a bit and seemed to not want what GingerBrave was doing.

"You're getting your tears over my nice concrete floors." The voice said. Wizard Cookie opened his eyes slowly and looked around. Wizard Cookie tried to reach for his staff but the person kicked it away. "Now now shooting star.. what would you need that for?" The person chuckled softly. "Don't call me that." Wizard Cookie snarked. The person snickered. "Awh is the poor shooting star angy???" The person teased, they seemed to enjoy making Wizard Cookie mad. Wizard Cookie looked around his surroundings and turned and his face met with GingerBraves who had been crying. The person grinned. "Are you both about to kiss?" The person said teasing them. Wizard Cookies face got red and he looked away from GingerBrave. GingerBrave had a faint blush over his face but just was happy Wizard Cookie wasn't dead or something.

The person snapped their fingers and the paint came off of GingerBraves mouth and GingerBrave smiled at Wizard cookie. "Why Are you so happy. We are literally kidnapped right now." Wizard Cookie said. "I'm happy you're okay." GingerBrave smiled more. "Barely." Wizard Cookie replied. The person looked at the two and then walked into the darkness of the room and seemed to have left.

For a couple of hours the two just talked and talked to pass the time. It was the only thing they could do. Sometime the person came in again. This time with two plates of food and he put them down. Surprisingly, the food looked edible and warm. The person Grabbed Wizards staff before untying the boys and then quickly left without saying a word. Suddenly a light turned on and they couldn't see a door anywhere but they saw two beds and papers. The boys ate and laid down. GingerBrave laid down on the same bed as Wizard Cookie. Wizard Cookie raised an eyebrow and looked at GingerBrave. "What are you doing?" Wizard Cookie asked. GingerBrave got closer to Wizard Cookie and hugged him. "I don't wanna be in a different bed." GingerBrave said quietly as he closed his eyes. Wizard Cookie sighed and allowed it and then the lights turned off and they couldn't see anything.. They both ended up falling asleep not exactly excited for the next day.

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