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Wizard cookie woke up to the lights being turned on. He groaned and pulled GingerBrave closer to him and hid his face into GingerBraves shoulder. Wizard Cookie tried falling back asleep but then GingerBrave tapped him. "Wizard?. What are you doing?" Brave said gently. Wizard Cookie groaned again. "Shush." He said. Wizard was very cranky. Brave chuckled softly "Okay then.."Brave said. They heard foot steps and the lights turned off for a moment before turning back on and showing off the stranger.

"Good morning." The Person Said. Wizard opened his eyes and looked at the stranger from yesterday.. He seemed to recognize this villain. "Black Paint Cookie." Wizard cookie said. The person chuckled.. "You are correct." They snickered. Brave looked at Black Paint Cookie. "Why did you take us.?" Brave asked. "I was told to." Paint replied. "By who." Wizard said glaring at Black Paint. "By my boss.." He snickered.

"Why so nervous? I haven't been told to hurt you guys. Besides. I don't hurt anyone under the age of 18." Paint said. Brave let out an exhale of relief. Wizard grabbed onto Brave pulling the boy closer. "I'm here to hand you both breakfast Ya-know.." Paint said while putting the plates he had on the table. The lights turned off for a moment and when they turned on Paint was gone again.

Brave and Wizard ate. And then the day was long, they didn't know the time. And they didn't know where they were they wondered if they would ever get out of this hell hole, and wondered what they were needed for.

They spent the rest of this day eating whatever meal was handed to them, sleeping, drawing, reading, and talking. When the lights turned off they knew only two things that could mean..  either paint was coming in, or it was time to rest. This time the lights stayed off so they decided to lay down and sleep. Brave held onto Wizard and fell asleep. Wizard stayed away for a moment longer and caressed Braves back to make sure Brave stayed asleep. When the time came Wizard passed out for the "day".

Meanwhile with Black Paint Cookie...
He was on the phone with someone. Probably his boss or mother. He was talking about how the day went when the clock only said 4:30pm. He seemed to be watching their every move. It was creepy. The conversation he was having was about them. "Yes.. they haven't attacked me yet, and no I haven't told them why they're here because YOU haven't FUCKING TOLD ME." He said angrily. "Now now little one. You'll find out sooner or later. But that time has not approached. Get back to doing your job or I will have you be escorted to the room." The person on the phone threatened.

Black Paints face was filled with horror now. Whatever this room was, he was scared of it. "Yes ma'am." He said trying not to stutter. "I will not fail you." He said. "Good." The Person Said before hanging up. Black Paint Cookie sighed and leaned his head into the palm of his hand. He looked into the mirror and decided to fix his hair by taking it down, and reputting it into a ponytail.

He was satisfied with how it looked and he went back to just watching the two now sleeping boys on the monitors. He stayed there for hours and hours.

He got bored and looked over at his leg that suddenly felt a bit heavy. He glared at what made it heavy. "What are you doing here." He said to the thing. The creature that looked like a drop of Black Paint mixed with a child looked up at him. "Baba!" It Said. Black Paints eyes widened. "No! I am not your baba! I don't even want you!." He said to the child thing.

It didn't get sad or anything and nuzzled against Black Paints Knee and Black Paint tried to kick it off to let go. But it wouldn't give in and he sighed and gave up. He slowly moved his hand down towards it. It leaned its head against his hand and Black Paints expression suddenly softened and he gently picked up the child like thing.

He looked at it before he put it in his lap and it hugged him. He watched it and saw it yawn.. He decided that he'll just keep it. It keeps him company anyways 'But I'm not going to become attached to it.' He thought to himself. He started patting the child's back. He decided to give it a name. "Goob." He said. The creature looked up at him tiredly. It seemed to like that name.. and before Black Paint Cookie could do anything more Goob fell asleep in his lap. Black Paint had a blank expression and gently smiled at it and patted its back again for the rest of the hours.

'I won't get attached...





Chapter End.

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