Meets an end

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The boys woke up somewhere knew. They were outside? They saw Black Paint standing over them and the place was on fire. They had no clue what happened. Brave got up and pulled Wizard up quickly. Black Paint was missing an arm with paint dripping from the wound.

Black Paint pointed suddenly. "I've realized that this is wrong. You both need to get out of here. But first." Black Paint took out the staff he had taken from Wizard Cookie. He tossed it to Wizard and then he ran in a different direction. It was dark out, Wizard casted a spell so they had light and him and Brave ran the way Black Paint had pointed.

(And if you're so curious of to what happened, Black Paint tried making a hot pocket and it fucking exploded the microwave. A hot pocket cut off his arm😭/j nah it was really Someone who attacked but Black Paint didn't wanna seem weak.)

There was a figure standing by the fire. The figure laughed and disappeared.

In the morning

In the kingdom when GingerBrave and Wizard Cookie got into it.. They saw a bit of a familiar face. It was Lavender Cookie the boy looked at the two who just ran in and smiled gently. "Welcome back!" Lavender said sweetly. GingerBrave returned a smile at lavender. "Hi! What're you doing?" GingerBrave said acting as if they weren't imprisoned for like 2 days.
"Nothing much! Just picking some flowers for my mom!" His smile got a little brighter as he said that. "I hope your mother loves them." Wizard said. "Thanks!" He went back to picking flowers. Wizard and Brave walked away from lavender cookie to go home.

Black Widow Cookie walked outside she smiled when she saw Lavender Cookie. "Hi honey!" She said sweetly and gently to Lavender Cookie. "Hi mom!" He smiled. He got up and gave her a hug and she hugged him back and planted a kiss on his forehead. "What you got there honey?" She asked. "I got you some flowers!" He said holding out towards her. "Awh sweetie! They're so lovely! I'll be sure to put them in a vase.." She said and gave Lavender Cookie another hug. Lavender didn't seem to mind the hugging all that much.

Black Widow Cookie then left to walk to the shop she ran, and Lavender Cookie went inside of the nice home he lives in with his mother. He went in an made a nice snack so he didn't starve or anything!

With Black Paint cookie...

Black Paint a cookie had been walking and walking. His arm had grown back by this time. Over his shoulder was Goob who had been blabbing gibberish to Black Paint. Black Paint glanced at Goob. "Baba" Goob Said. "That is not my name." Paint replied harshly. Goob frowned. Black Paint sighed. Suddenly he could hear the whispers. "No one.. will ever. Believe you." Black Paint Cookie tried covering his ears as the voice got louder and louder. His head started to hurt. He looked at the environment as he fell to the floor in the struggle.

"Stop this..!" He called out. The voice stopped after a while and tears rolled down Black Paints face. He hated that voice. He hated those words. He hated that person.

Goob was concerned for Black Paint and it hugged him. Black Paint looked at Goob and patted their head lightly. "I'm okay.." He said wiping away the tears that were left. He got up and carried Goob in his arms. Black Paint tried acting like everything was fine. But even Goob knew, Black Paint was barely recovering from that.

Chapter end!

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