After school

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Dan's POV
the day was ok, but now I'm dreading meeting my new 'family' I'll be staying with. I got to the front of the school next to the huge flagpole, and wait. A car comes up next to the pavement and parks. Is that my ride? I remember my mom said a black car, or did she say silver? I groan inwardly.

The car seems to wait there, so I walk towards it. I reach for the handle just as a football player reaches for the same one. "Outta my way fag." He spits and I back up, tripping over a knot in the grass. I fall backwards and I sigh. "Later fag!" He calls out of the window as the car swerved off.

"Daniel!" Someone calls. I look up, seeing Phil standing up through a skylight of a black car. I smile and wave. The car parks right in front of me on the pavement, the sudden stop almost causing Phil to fall out of the car. I laugh, and pick myself up from the ground. "Ready?" He asks, confusing me. "What?" I ask. "You're Daniel Howell correct? Son of my father's best friend?" He asks, this surprises me. "I'm living with you?" I ask him, it sounded a little more harsh than i wanted it to. "Don's sound so disappointed Daniel." He says, frowning.

"Get in kid." A boy says from the driver's seat. "Who are you?" I ask. "Martyn Lester of course. Now get in, i'll be late." He says, pointing to the back of the car. I open the door and hop in, sitting next to Phil. I sits down next to me, and his brother closes the skylight.

I take a minute to appreciate how lucky i am that i'll be bunking with Phil. I barley know him, but he's the only friend i have right now. I'm just glad my Dad's best friend didn't give birth to a demon spawn in the human form of a football player. At least i know this kid. "So, do you have any luggage or are you drifter?" Martyn asks in a friendlier tone. "No, i think my dad dropped off a box at your flat this morning." I say. "Oh that box? I brought it in, i thought it was a package. I ordered a new lion hat." Phil says, proud of himself. "Another Phillip, really?" Martyn says, sounding annoyed. "How many lions do you have?" I ask him. "Don't even get him started." Martyn says, cutting his brother off.

"Anyway, it was a fairly small box." Phil says. I shrug, "My mother told me only to bring essentials. So i brought my phone charger, laptop and laptop charger, my best clothes, and stuff like that. Do i get my own room, my dad said you'd be supplying all the sheet and blankets and stuff." I say. "Well, you get the supply closet." Phil says, obviously not joking. I start laughing, but nervously stop when no one else joins in. "Yeah, it's a pretty big supply closet though. You have a bad and a black dresser and some shelves on the wall." Martyn says.

I nod, and it's silent for a minute. "SHIT!" Martyn exclaims. "I'm going to be late!" He yells as he makes a sharp turn, running a red light and going above the speed limit. "Martyn! Language!" Phil yells at his brother. "Phil, just because you never curse doesn't mean no one else can." Martyn points out, then swerves, barley missing a couple crossing the street. "You never curse?" I ask him, laughing unbelievably at him. "It's not nice!" He says. I laugh even more.

"We are here!" His brother says, breaking hard in a parking lot. He doesn't even bother to turn the engine off before he kicks us out of the car and swerves back off into traffic. "Where is he headed in such a rush?" I ask Phil. Phil shrugs and unlocks the door of an apartment with a key. I groan when i see how many stairs there are. "Oh my god." I say. "Get used to it, seriously." Phil says, this time He's laughing at me.

After we climb all the stairs, and i'm completely out of breath i might add, we finally make it to the apartment. He opens it to reveal a lounge that transitions into a kitchen with a hallway attached to the lounge. He leads me down the hallway, the first door in the right is the bathroom, the first on the left is his room, and the next room on the right is the supply closet. Admittedly, it is pretty big. At the end on the hallway, it open up into kind of a bigger room that leads to two other rooms. "My dad's room, never go in there, and Martyn's room. My dad is usually never home, he's living with his girlfriend right now." He says. I nod, going back into my room. Phil disappears into the lounge and comes back with my box full of stuff.

"Ok, well i'm going to go do my homework. Uh... just like get settled and stuff." Phil says, going into his room and closing the door slightly. On the bed is a gray, black, and white comforter. It like a plaid pattern with matching pillow cases. It was cool, i liked it. The shelves were small and bolted to the wall sloppily. There were already a few Stephen King books on them, i added my own books to it. My textbooks on the top shelf (it only had two shelves and was very small) and my reading books like The Fault In Our Stars And Paper Towns. I Take all my clothes that are already folded and packed neatly, (thanks mom), and organize them not all the neatly into the drawers. I plug in and set my laptop on a small nightstand next to my bed and put my phone charger in the small drawer.

I sigh, that didn't take long. But now i have to do my homework, i decide i should go ask Phil if he has any food. I'm kind of hungry, and don't want to do my homework. "Phil?" I ask and push open his door slightly.

He's on his computer, typing something. "Phil?" I ask him, he looks up with Glasses? "You wear glasses?" I asks him. He nods. "Uh, cool." I say, adjusting my beanie. "Do you have glasses?" He asks, smiling. "What?" I ask, surprised. "Do you? Like it there any thing i should know?" He asks. I shake by head, "I don't look very good in glasses." I say, shrugging and putting my hands in pockets. "Oh, well you all settled?" He asks. I nod. I look around his room, he has the comforter but with different colors. He has a built wardrobe and a desk, but otherwise he has the same room as I but bigger. "This is boring." He mutter as he gets back to typing. "That's why i'm not doing mine right now." I say. He chuckles.

"Want to play a game?" I look at him funny. "no, not like that. Halo?" I look at him in surprise. A guy with glasses, a goofy smile and who never curses plays Halo? "Sure." I say.

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