Chapter 5

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I watch as the old man angrily threw things around his office, I stood still while looking down flinching every time on of the items came close to my face, "For once Vegas make me proud just for once" He spoke his words hit me like a brick but I remained silent fearing whatever outcome is to happen, he sighed, "Get the fuck out of my face, your disappointing me" I did not hesitate I left his office immediately and head towards my room, Fuck I need a smoke, I ran my hand through my suit pockets and found a cigarette and a lighter and instead of my room, I walked towards my mothers garden, in a house of hell her garden brings me peace, too bad she's dead, I sat down in the middle of the garden and take a hit from the cigarette, "Your disappointing me" his last words kept playing over and over in my head, fuck you can't you see I'm trying? I felt the tears as I blew out smoke, I hang my head beneath my legs and let the tears fall, I'm tired so fucking tired. I lay on the grass before staring at the clear sky.

"Hia...hia wake up" I heard Macau's voice and felt him shaking me, "Mmmh?" I looked at him, "Did he-" "No" I cut him off, "He didn't do anything I'm fine" he nodded his head and sat beside me, I think he knows I lied to him but doesn't want to push it any further, the good thing is I'm the only one getting this treatment because I'll do anything to protect Macau even if it means to kill him. "Hungry?' I asked breaking whatever nerve racking silence that was between us, he smiled before nodding, I ruffled his hair as we both got up.

We arrived at this popular Korean/Japanese restaurant its Macau's favorite but i feel like a bad brother to not even know the name of the restaurant, I only knew the location and his favorite foods from said restaurant, I ordered a japchae while Macau ordered Chicken Katsu curry and some dumplings. I sat at a table further to a corner away from the crowd, i just needed peace even in this noise ass restaurant but whatever. I spaced out everything my father should I even call him that at this point? Kept clouding my mind.

A white bag was now in front of me bringing me down from my train of thoughts, oh my food is here. "Thanks" I whispered, he just nodded excitedly and began digging into his food, I smiled at him before I start to eat.

Macau asked to be dropped off at a friends house which honestly I don't mind since I know where he is and he's safe from a specific bastard. I watch him wave at me before I smile at him and drove away, I myself is not going to that place tonight either, I stopped at a convenience buying more cigarettes', going outside and inhaling the toxins, I began smiling like the fucking manic, I am, Kinn had his goons following me, which is not surprising but I just kept up with my day to day activities.

I honestly could not give a fuck if Kinn goons were following me, I just want to sit there alone in the dark and be clouded by my thoughts, I drove a good mile to find a beach it was 3 in the morning so no one would be here. I sat there, just lost, how to be a good son I've done everything, got good grades, carried out his missions and never failed but it still isn't fucking enough.

I watched the sun crawled out into the sky, giving the beach its orange color, It beamed at me as if it were smiling at me but what's there to be happy about, The night fell and the day has risen, I got up dusting the sand from off my self and threw away the empty cigarette box and the now empty lighter, I walked back to my car swaying along the because Its fucking dumb to finish the entire box in one sitting.

The bustling morning is about to begin, but still I don't want to go back to that place, I just don't want to see him or be called a let down again. "Fuck" I muttered I let my head drop down to the steering wheel as I hugged it. My phone rang startling me, "Vegas speaking" I quickly spoke in English. The line was silent, "Where are you?"  Fuck can't he just forget I exist for even a day, "Driving to the Major house" I lied, I never had a destination in mind, I'm just wasting energy by  just driving around to find a source of happiness at least.  "I will meet you there" That said and the phone hung up, a string of curses left my mouth, I just turned the car around driving to the now 'you have to be there' destination.

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