Chapter 2:A god's reminiscence

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Sadness a word that wasn't associated with gods, maybe because they had an image to uphold, or that if they showed their followers would fall to their demise; a cruel fate for beings so powerful that even as their own minds faded their would be forged on stone and on tongues .

Maybe had gods never been prideful, maybe if they could understand what being mortal was then; by just a tiny chance, they wouldn't be forsaken by their own followers. But what if you had none, what chance at redeeming yourself would there be.

A god with no land to call theirs now with not even a realm as their home, would have probably been eaten away by the questions and yet here a goat stands as proud as ever, with a silence that follows as an old friend. The goat care not for the realm in reality, too much had been lost there and blood would stay on his hands for every moment he was there.

As snow melted with each step, he would sometimes wonder "Maybe, this was still the mountains I once fought", yet no response was heard, as if the spirit that was in the land had long wavered and felt tired, even then it would whimper; but the goat did not know what had it aching.

The vast horizon, always illuminated by a sun without voice. The night always after her sister, yet what could she do, broken, left to drift as a celestial body.

The god sat as to observe the frozen place, so silent and peaceful; a great sight it would have been had it come earlier; yet now even his own breath thundered in the mountains.
For a while he wondered, now slowly faint hums started ringing, yet in his misery he had become deaf. At a time like this his brother, would have called him pitiful, not even when the hearthblood perished had the god looked so hollow.  

In his sightless travels, unbeknownst to him, maybe due to a sense of familiarity he found himself in a cave. As he was snatched back to the real world, a song could be heard resonating all along the cave, not one of joy as he commonly expected from the caretaker and his chimes but rather a melancholic one, similar to those of the songs from foreigners with fancy clothes that you could hear while they mourned a lost one.

Like hypnotized, the giant followed, leaving a trail of fire with each step; giant horns colored that of onyx, masterfully sculpted with runes that go from start to end. The god of the forge Ornn, had come to remnant, for a new start. A god who wanted to rest had already started to make ripples to the citizens of this land.

"Captain, we have come across a hurdle" a worker for the schnee company talked to a spirit, "What are you talking about, Mr schnee guaranteed that no Grimm would be around this mine" The worker now trembling, turned around revealing the giant "I-I'll go inform Mr schnee, for now try to work around the creature until we can send huntsman to the place"

After the call ended, the worker had realized that he had chosen the worst company to work under.

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