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[ a/n: I changed a few things because I was reading over it and didn't like it so now Kayden calls Trell 'mom' and I also changed Kentrell's and Kayden age. Continue reading! ]

𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟳, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

It was noon. Chicago weather is really confusing, it's cold as hell outside, but also the sun is out.

Kentrell sent Kayden with Joe, because Joe finally convinced his baby mom to let him get Kingston (Joe son), the two younger boys were inseparable, fucking bad as hell when together.

Kentrell has been cleaning up a little. His house wasn't dirty by any means, don't try and play him, Kayden toys were everywhere, literally everywhere besides the playroom.

Letting out a sigh, he grabs his phone off of the couch before sitting down.

He strolled through Twitter (X), Kentrell rolled his eyes when he seen tweet from Blue Face. The nigga didn't even spell words correctly.

Strolling a little bit more; his phone went ding, and a notification from messages pop up. One from Von.

'VON: I'm outside folks.'

Standing up from the couch. He took a deep breath, he asked to have the conversation. Don't get him wrong, he knows a lot (of shit the media say, and what Von rap about) but he doesn't know Dayvon.

Opening the door, shivering when the cold wind hits him.

Kentrell steps back a little, allowing Von to come into the house. Biting his lip as he looked the older up and down.

(Von is wearing, black Joggers, black t-shirt, a chain around his neck, bubble jacket with blue, gray (black) Jordans, he look fine as hell.)

"Where your son?" Was the first question that leaves Von mouth. Kentrell is walking back from closing the door, "He with my brother." He said sitting down on the couch away from Von a little bit.

The older looks at him. "What did you want to talk about?"

Taking a breath, he starts to speak; "Ima start with the fact that Kayden calls me mom." Von nods, completely focusing on the younger.

"A'ight, so I'm intersex, and well, I'm Kayden's biological 'mother'. I carried him."

The room held a heavy silence as Kentrell waited for Von to respond, literally to say anything.

He watched as Von's expression shifted from curiosity to understanding as he processed Kentrell's revelation. "That's cool Ma. You havin' a pussy ain't gon' change shit, I'm still tryna fuck' with you." Von shrugged, seriousness in his tone.

Kentrell rolled his eyes at Von's words but couldn't help bursting into laughter. "Who said I'm tryna fuck with you?"

Von smirks, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, you was tryna have sex in my studio. What else am I supposed to think?"

Kentrell looks at him shaking his head. "Nah nigga. I was high, you can't hold my actions against me."

Von chuckles, leaning back against the couch. "High or not, Ma, you knew what you were doing. Couldn't resist my chram."

Kentrell shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Charm? Nah. Like I said, I was high and you was looking good as hell, your voice had me off one, so you can't hold shit against me."

The laughter between the two dies down. Kentrell as now sitting a little closer to Von, well at least closer than he was before.

Silent fills around the room before Von speaks up. "Where your baby dad at? Ion got time to be killin' niggas over some dumb shit."

"Kayden's dad, is the one dating your sister."

Von raises an eyebrow, the information sinking in. "Wait, for real? That nigga Nardo?"

Kentrell nods, a hint of discomfort in his expression. "Yeah, unfortunately. But, I ain't really involved with him like that. We just share a kid."

Von leans back, processing the revelation. "Damn, small world. Guess that's why you were pissed about that Shaderoom shit."

Kentrell nods again, his gaze fixed on Von. "Yeah, you know how that goes. Shit gets messy."

The room falls into a brief silence, both men lost in their thoughts. Von breaks the quiet, "So, does he see him?"

Kentrell shakes his head. "Fuck no. He seen him once when he born, but then he started acting weird."

Von nods, put an annoyed look was placed on his face. "My sister got a son, my nephew, Horace ugly ass be tryna act like his dad."

The sentence hang in the air before Kentrell turned his body full towards Von, an 'Mean Mug' placed on his face.

"He can be daddy to someone else child but not to his own?" The question wasn't meant to be answered; Von just looked at him.

Von smirks, "Guess some niggas just pick and choose when to play daddy. Fucked up game, ain't it?"

Kentrell's eyes narrow slightly, a mixture of frustration and agreement. "Shit's crazy, but it is what it is."


They continued to talk about a different topic. Von got to know more about the younger male sitting in front of him, and Kentrell learned more about Von.

"Folks, c'mere." Von pulled at his arm, making the younger man look at him, his eyebrow raised. "Come sit on my lap."

Kentrell stared at him for a second, a smile breaking out on his face as he noticed that Von had a small pout on his lips.

Letting out a laugh, Kentrell remarked, "Not your 'I kill niggas for fun' big-headed ass over here pouting." Kentrell's words caused Von to suck his teeth.

"I will punch you in your shit," Von spoke, letting go of Kentrell's arm, with playfulness evident in his voice.

"Nigga, I put a belt to ass. Stop playing, fuck around, and get your ass beat."

Despite the playful banter, Kentrell felt his phone vibrate. He sighed, glancing at his phone to see a work-related notification. Reality kicked in – he needed to get to work.

"A'ight, big head, I gotta get ready for work," Kentrell said. Von looked genuinely disappointed.

"Work? Right now? Ma, you killin' my vibe."

Kentrell chuckled, watching Von stand up to leave. "I gotta make a living, nigga. We'll link up again soon, though."

Von nods at the promise to see the other again. Kentrell stands to walk him to the door, Von stops, pulling ammoney out of his jacket pocket.

With an eyebrow raised, "What's the for?" He questions as Von hands it to him.

"You gave me coat we met. I ain't have no money on me, but I got some now, so thanks for the coat Ma. That shit saved me."

As Von handed the money, Kentrell chuckled, "You ain't gotta pay me for the coat, Dayvon. Consider it a gift."

Von shrugged, a smirk on his face, "I don't take charity. Just take it, I'll feel better knowing I paid for it."

Kentrell nodded, accepting the money. "A'ight, if it makes you feel better."

Von smirked, walking towards the door, the two sharing a nod of acknowledgment. As Von left, Kentrell watched him for a moment before closing the door.

Back inside his apartment, Kentrell pocketed the money and sighed, the reality of work pulling him away from the unexpected connection he found with Von. As he prepared to leave for work, a slight smile played on his lips, looking forward to the next time they would meet.


Bruh did y'all see what Kentrell & Durk was doing ? Them niggas so gay... Excuse any mistakes! I hope you enjoyed 🫶🏾 ALSO COMMENT SOMETHING! Interact with me like damn niggas.

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