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𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯


The house feels quieter after Joe and Kayden leave. I check my phone, realizing it's almost time to meet Von.

We didn't set an agreed time, but still, why would I be late when I get to see him?

With a sense of excitement, I grab my keys and head out, locking the door behind me.

The night air is crisp as I make my way to the address Von sent. Thoughts race through my mind – what will tonight bring? Arriving at the location, I spot Von waiting outside. His grin widens as I approach.

"Li' Ma," he says, the hint of amusement in his tone making me chuckle. "What's good?"

Von gestures towards the building. "Let's head in."

As we step inside, I follow Von, glancing around. The hallway is nearly empty, with only two security guards present. "Where are your friends?" I ask as Von stops walking and opens the door on the right.

Inside the room, clearly the recording booth, two men were sat at a table in front of the booth.

Von points to the two men sitting at the table in chairs. "That's Durkio' and Marco. Marco's the engineer, and Durk is just a dyke."

I let out a small, quiet laugh as Durk, Lil Durk, turns around, his attention on Dayvon. "Watch that shit. Just because we family, don't mean I won't beat that ass, little nigga."

"Wassup? What's your name?" My head turns towards the voice, belonging to Durk. "My name's Kentrell," I say, watching him nod in acknowledgment.

"You listen to Durk or nah?" I shrug my shoulders at the question. I like his music, but I don't listen to him as much as I do Von.

I suck my teeth. "Why you tryna put me on blast?" I question, noticing both Durk and Von staring at me. "I listen to your music, 'Weirdo Hoes' is my favorite," I say.

I can hear Von laugh as Durk sucks his teeth. "You like the song he hates the most." I hum, nodding my head, sitting down on the couch that's in the studio while removing my coat.

"Get your stupid ass in the booth so we can finish this song," I watch as Durk pushes a laughing Von toward the booth door. "My bitch waiting for me."

Calling her a "bitch" is crazy.


Von enters the booth, grabbing the headphones from around the microphone. The beat plays in his ears, and he starts bopping his head to the rhythm before laying down his verses into the mic.

"Hoes ain't shit." Von's voice, slightly raspy, resonates through the mic, repeating the lines with a bit more intensity. "All these hoes ain't shit."

Kentrell watches intently as Von starts rapping. The dread-head male's eyes hold a starry admiration, captivated by the performance.

Fuck, I love his voice. Kentrell thinks.

As Von finishes his verse, the room falls into a momentary silence, absorbing the raw energy of his performance. Durk and Marco exchange impressed glances.

Durk breaks the silence. "Damn, that's fire, Von." Von smirks, a sense of pride in his eyes. "Appreciate it, bro."

Kentrell sits there, still processing, the intensity of Von's delivery. Durk gestures toward the mic; before looking Kentrell's direction, "Can you rap?"

"Nah," was all the younger said. "Stop talking to him, stud," Von said, now taking a seat next to his invited guest.

Kentrell notices the rapper has a blunt in his hand, along with a lighter. "You smoke, Ma?" Von questioned, ignoring Durk, who told him to stop playing before he does him like Tooka—an obvious empty threat that Von didn't take to heart.

Nodding at the question, "Yeah. I haven't in a while though," Von hummed, sparking the blunt up.

"We out, little niggas, stay safe out here," Durk says, walking out with Marco following behind him, leaving the two teens alone.

Von place the blunt to his lips, inhaling the smoke, before exhaling, the smoke in the direction away from Kentrell face.

It was silent between the two before Von spoke. "Who ya baby mama?" The question made Kentrell think, "I don't have a baby mama." The answer made Von raise an eyebrow.

"What?" Von said taking another puff of the weed, passing it to Kentrell.

Choosing not to answer the question, Kentrell placed the blunt to his lips, mimicking Von's earlier actions.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" he asked in a hushed tone, watching as Von shrugged. "I wanted to see you, Li' Ma."

Rolling his eyes at the pet name, Kentrell said, "Stop calling me that," and handed the blunt back to Dayvon after exhaling the toxic smoke.

Von takes the blunt from Kentrell's hands. His other hand, the one not holding the Blackwood, moves to Trell's hoodie, gripping it a little and pulling him closer.

"You cute as hell, Ma," Von whispers, loud enough for Kentrell to hear. The rapper's voice slightly deep, looking at the younger boy, eyes that are glossy, which is honestly an adorable sight.

"Thank you," Kentrell says, laughing when Von blows the smoke in his face lightly. "I like your voice when you rap, shit, when you talk in general," he adds.

Without thinking much, Von leans in, pecking the other teen's lips.

As he was about to pull away and release the grip he held on Kentrell's hoodie, the other kisses him harder, their lips fully moving in sync.

Their kiss deepens, the atmosphere in the room shifting. Von's hand moves from Kentrell's hoodie to the back of his neck, fingers gently entwined in his hair. The music from the studio session faintly seeps into the room, creating a melodic backdrop to their shared moment.

Kentrell feels a mixture of emotions – surprise, curiosity, and a growing sense of connection with Von. As they continue kissing, the outside world fades away, leaving only the two of them in the dimly lit studio.

Eventually, they break the kiss, both catching their breath. Von smirks, his eyes holding a mischievous spark. "Damn, Ma, didn't know you had it in you."

Kentrell, slightly flustered, manages a small smile. "Guess I surprised myself."

Von chuckles, running his fingers through his own hair. "Well, do we got time before you leave?" The question had Kentrell nodding his head, his eyes holding, something that Von couldn't read.

A smirk is placed on Von's lips, "What else you wanna do, Li' Ma?"

Hi! A part 2 from last chapter :) I switch POVS from Dent head to 3rd POV ✨ enjoy.

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