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𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟰, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

The soft glow of the morning sun seeped through the half-closed curtains, casting a warm hue across the room. Von stirred in the unfamiliar bed, the events of the previous night gradually replaying in his mind.

Glancing around, he absorbed the subtle details of Kentrell's room – the faint scent of last night's passion lingering in the air. Shifting, he turned to find Kentrell still peacefully asleep beside him, both of them bare from the previous night.

A small smirk played on Von's lips as he reminisced about the way Kentrell sounds when having sex, and him asking, begging, him to cum inside of him. With a playful glint in his eyes, he turned back around, sitting up and reaching for his phone on the nightstand next to Kentrell's.

"Look at my baby," Von said, pressing record. The flash caught Kentrell off guard, and he stirred, his face twisting in response as he mumbled in his half-awake state.

"Why you recording me?" he groggily asked, sleep evident in his voice.

"'Cause, I fucked you good, that your little ass passed out," Von teased, his smile widening as Kentrell smacked the phone out of his hand.

Still sleepy, Kentrell pulled the covers over his face, mumbling something, clearly annoyed that his sleep was being disrupted. "You such a big baby, folks," Von remarked, laughing as he leaned back against the headboard, picking up his phone and navigating to Twitter.

"Bitch, why you so laughy in the morning?" Kentrell questioned, removing the covers and looking at Dayvon, who was turned towards him. "Like it's early as hell, annoying ass."

Von shook his head, "Less than 24 hours ago, I gave you some dick, and you still got an attitude." Kentrell sucked his teeth, "Ima have to fuck you more, so your little ass can be nice to a nigga."

Rolling his eyes, Kentrell retorted, "You got a little dick," before throwing the covers off and attempting to get out of bed, only to let out a groan when his back hurt a bit.

A loud laugh escaped Von, making Kentrell roll his eyes once again. "My dick 'small,' but it made you cum and had you screaming," he emphasized, prompting Kentrell to flip him off. Despite the gesture, a small smile played on Kentrell's lips when Von told him to lay back down.

"It's only eight, lay back down," Von suggested, but Kentrell shook his head, "I want to shower." Slowly standing up, he walked into the bathroom, limping a little, and with his ass jiggling, catching Von's attention.

The shower turned on with a loud sound as Kentrell walked back out, going to his drawer to get some fresh clothes. Before heading back to the bathroom, he looked at Von, who was already staring at him like prey.

Horny ass, Kentrell thought, "Come shower with me."


𝟵:𝟯𝟬 𝗔𝗠

The two teens were dressed, Kentrell in gray Kappa jeans, a white shirt, with gray Jordans, while Von, wearing Kentrell's clothes, sported a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt with his OTF chains hanging around his neck.

"You dressed like a bum," Kentrell remarked, tying his sneakers.

"Nigga, these your clothes," Von retorted, putting on his jacket, waiting for Kentrell to finish so they could leave.

Once Kentrell finished and put on his jacket, the two left. The morning sun embraced them as they stepped out, the crisp air signaling the arrival of winter. They made their way to the car, Dayvon driving with Kentrell in the passenger seat.

"Can you get us there without killing us?" Kentrell questioned. This was his first time driving with the older, and since they pulled out of the parking spot that Von was in, he just started speeding.

Von sucked his teeth, "I know how to drive," he said as he ran a red light, not caring about the law. Kentrell shook his head, "I see why you be going to jail; you finna kill somebody."



"Thank God," Kentrell said, getting out of the car, relieved to be alive after the way Von was speeding. "You dramatic as hell," Von spoke, putting his gun on the inside of his jacket.

Kentrell watched him, his eyes rolling. "I'm not dramatic, Dayvon," he mumbled as Von walked over to him. "Gimme a kiss," he said, which Kentrell easily did, leaning forward and pressing their lips together. "Come on," Kentrell said once they pulled away from each other.

Inside the mall, there was a target – the first place they went. Kentrell grabbed a cart, and soon it was filled with toys he knew Kayden would like.

"You look stupid as hell!" Kentrell spoke, laughing, as Von pulled out one of the rugs and placed it on the floor. "Record my walk, folks," Von said, picking up one of the toy guns he had placed in the cart for Kayden.

Kentrell, doing as he was told, got his phone from his pocket and started recording Von walking on the rug, pointing the fake Nerf gun still in the box at the camera.

Von picked up the rug and placed back where it was before.

They both left the rug section, laughing, not caring how early it still may be, they having fun, what's the issue?

As they continued their playful shopping spree, the aisles transformed into a canvas of joy, with each toy carefully chosen for Kayden. Unbeknownst to them, the week held more surprises, but for now, they reveled in the simple delight of the moment.


Happy New Year 🎆!!! This is a new version of chapter 11!! I promise ima add drama, don't worry, hopefully you guys enjoy, and please excuse any mistakes!!! Stay safe out there.

Discontinued [𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗦]  𝗡𝗕𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗡Where stories live. Discover now