Chapter two

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I walk into my first period class breathing heavily and tense my new english teacher Mrs.Smith walks over to me.

"Hey are you alright?" She says in a sympathetic way her eyes full of kindness and concern I got to tell her,but quickly remember my attackers threat and make up a quick lie "I'm okay just didn't wanna be late for class." She smiles and says ok and leaves me alone. I let a breath, thank goodness she believed me. After 5 period I get ready for lunch I open My Locker just to have someone slam it shut I turn around and my eyes open wide there stood the long black hair girl giving me a evil smile.

"Hey are you on your way to lunch?" She asked is a mean sassy way I go to move,but she slams me against the locker and this time pins me to make sure I couldn't move. I look at her " I..I wa." She cuts me off and snaps "Stop that you freaking retard god your parents must hate you." She yells and slaps the side of my head making it bounce and me dizzy. I look at her I wanted to cry she laughs out.

"Aww is the little 8th grader gonna cry?" She laughs and starts mocking me. Then I see her red head friend and she yells for her "Hey Shelby we gotta go the bell is about to ring." She smiles and yells back "Okay Cloey coming."

She gets right in my face and I close my eyes she yanked me off the locker "Now you go have fun eating lunch making yourself even fatter you pig." Then she walks off. My few friends motion me to the line to eat, but I just sit down I still hear Shelby's words 'Go have fun getting even Fatter you pig.' I look at my stomach and see how it is kinda pudgy I always thought I was thin until now I lay my head down and cry.

The day was awful and I was starving I was so thankful the day was over and I could just go home and think. I get on the bus and my mouth drops open,all the seats in the front are taken and no one will let me sot with them I see Shelby and Cloey smiling motioning me to come backwards I growl under my breath 'They set this up cuz I know, know one but me sits up here they did this!'

I swallow hard and here Cloey tell Shelby its her turn to have some fun with me. I try to block Cloey from sitting in my seat, but she takes ahold of my hair and yanks it really hard making me obey her comand I felt like a dog. She sits by me "So fatty how was lunch?" I turn my head away,but she grabs it amd yanks it forward "Awnser me before I break every bone in your ugly little body."I look at her and awnser "I didn't eat today." Shelby and a few of her guy friends gasp and Cloey continues her fat speach "So I heard your name was Taylor." Shelby jumps in "That's a guys name, then again." She looks at her friends starts to laugh and blurts out "She looks like one!!" Cloey and everyone burst into laughter.

I am finally off the bus, I see my mom in the kitchen dad is at work and Leah usually takes her nap at this time. I.sit down and I nervously say "Hey mom.... Can we talk?" She smiles and looks at me "Sure what about?" I go to tell her,but Leah starts crying my mom starts heading toward Leah's room, but I grab her "Mom I.need to tell you now!" I beg, she yells at me "Honey your little sister needs me more than you right now I will be back soon." I yell at her and scream "Never mind god forbid you talk to me!!" She screams back "Your grounded go to your room and just stay there!!"

I run to my room and burst into tears I have never cried so hard in my life I mean I couldn't even see I was crying so hard. All of Cloey's and Shelby's word wore floating in my mind I began scream stop. I throw my fist into my mirror. I began crying again seeing the blood dripping out of my knuckles and now dripping on the floor.

I bandaged my knuckles and got on my pajamas on, I get on my Facebook. My eyes widen the tears began to form in my eyes and I went pale there was a messages from Shelby and Cloey they had looked me up on facebook and found me.

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