Chapter 33

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I raised an eyebrow at Riley and set my glass of water down on the counter.

"What do you mean, what am I doing?" I asked.

"I mean you're going out and getting drunk and then bringing home a different girl to sleep with damn near every night," she said.

"I'm having fun Riley, isn't that what you wanted?" I scoffed.

"You know that's not what I meant," she started, "I meant...well I meant us having fun. Come one, you knew that."

"Ohh, that's right," I said in a mocking tone, "my fault."

I walked over to her and grabbed her face in my hand as I leaned in and gave her a slow kiss. I could feel her surprise before she began to kiss me back.

I felt an electric feeling shoot through my body that I hadn't experienced since the last time Riley and I were together. Maybe the kiss wasn't a great idea.

When I pulled my lips away from hers, I made sure to stay close so they were still almost touching.

"Now that we've had our fun, I've got to get back to the girl waiting for me in my bed," I said with a smirk.

I knew I was being cruel, but hey, it happens.

Riley stood there in shock as I turned and walked back to my bedroom. I don't think she knew that I still had someone in my bed, or she probably would've saved that argument for another time.

My head began to spin as the hangover and the feeling of our kiss hit me at the same time.

I got back to my room and crawled back into my bed as the girl next to me began to stir. She turned over and slowly blinked her eyes awake and looked over at me.

"Morning," I said with a smile.

"Morning sunshine," she said back.

I leaned in and gave her a kiss as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

When we both pulled back she said, "well, last night was fun but I better get going."

"No problem," I said with a grin.

We both got out of bed and she quickly slipped her clothes on. I walked her out to the kitchen where Riley was still sitting and opened the door for her.

"Later," I said with a lazy smile.

She gave me a small wave as she walked out and I shut the door behind her. I didn't make eye contact with Riley as I walked back to my room and got ready for the day.

I was at Cas' house later that day hanging out with her and Jamie when they decided to bring up my recent escapades.

"Sooo Soph," Cas said to me, "you still on your drunken revenge tour?"

I rolled my eyes at her before answering.

"I guess so," I said with a shrug, "but Riley called me out on it this morning."

"So haven't you accomplished what you wanted to then?" Cas asked me.

"Maybe...I don't know, but it's been fun either way," I said.

"Sounds like it," Jamie said quietly.

Cas turned and gave her a look and Jamie tried not to laugh.

"Sorry," Jamie said, "I'm just saying, but I'm not really a great example of a voice of reason anyway. Can't say I didn't do something similar when Maddox and I first separated."

"Yeah, see?" I said to Cas.

Cas shook her head at me before turning to Jamie again.

"Yeah I recall that phase," she said, "I'm pretty sure that's how we met."

"See, something good came out of it!" Jamie said defensively as she leaned over and kissed Cas on the cheek.

I loved that they were happy together but it did make me a little envious. And it made my feelings towards Riley even stronger. Maybe it was time to slow down with all of the crazy nights.

"I guess it probably is a good idea to slow myself down a little bit, I think Riley's gotten the message," I said.

"Annnnd Alex would probably appreciate it if I stopped showing up to work hungover," I continued.

Jamie and Cas both grinned, "yeah I think that would probably be best," Cas said.

We hung out for a while longer before I headed back home. I did decide I would stay in for the night, it was probably for the best at this point.

I stopped to grab dinner on the way back, and when I walked in the front door, Riley was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey," I said quietly.

She gave me a small smile but didn't say anything. I sat down and began to eat, and a few minutes later Riley spoke up.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" She asked.

We really hadn't done any hanging out since any of these issues started, so maybe she was just trying to get things back to normal.

"Uh, yeah sure we can do that," I said in response, "let me finish up my dinner and I'll come sit over there."

"Okay," she said.

Awkward, but maybe we could go back to being friends if nothing else was going to happen, but I wasn't sure. I finished eating and went over and sat at the opposite end of the couch.

We watched the movie in awkward silence for a while, we definitely didn't have the small talk that we used to. A ways into the movie, Riley turned and faced me.

"Soph, why have you been doing all of this stuff? I mean - the going out, hooking up with random girls all the time? I'm just um, I don't know I'm confused."

I wasn't really sure how to respond without sounding like a complete bitch, but that would be kind of fitting with how I'd been acting lately.

"Do you really have to ask that?" I said to her.

"Well I know the thing with Jackson made you uncomfortable but - "

"It didn't just make me uncomfortable Riley," I cut in and said, "you were literally flaunting him in front of my face."

"I - what?? I didn't..." she stuttered, trying to explain herself.

"You didn't? Really?" I said, feeling myself getting irritated.

She put her head down and stayed quiet, so I continued.

"Come on Riley, you literally brought him into my house the day after we slept together and the day after I told you I had feelings for you. What the hell did you expect me to think??"


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