Chapter 11

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No one's POV:

A few days have passed since Jax and Y/N went on that walk, and she noticed he's been a bit.. quiet

That's quite unusual for him since he's always the one joking around and 'pranking' others.

That was quickly noticed by the others as well, but when they tried asking him about it, he told the others to mind their own business.

Well... except Y/N, he would just stay silent or say everything is fine and then would walk off.

The whole crew was in the lobby talking, and Y/N wasn't quite focused on the conversation that was going on.

Gangle's POV:

I was talking with the others and laughed at something Pomni said, so did Ragatha but noticed that Y/N hasn't said anything in a good few minutes, so I looked her way and saw, that she was zoning out.

I slightly tapped her hand..

She didn't respond..

My mask showed a slightly concerned expression.

I looked away and saw Jax sitting on one of those blocks on the other side of the room.

Something is up.. Jax has been quiet and a bit distant, and Y/N has been zoning out a lot...

This got me puzzled, but I shrugged it off for now.

I'm sure it's nothing too serious, so I just excused the thought for now.


I saw Y/N sitting alone

Thinking whether I should go talk to them or not, and just decided to leave them be.

Y/N's POV:

I thought, many questions and thoughts going through it.

I'm not going to lie, I was kind of getting bored doing almost the same thing all the time.

You would probably anything for something new.. a new change of day structure and activities.

A sigh escaped my lips, and I stood up and just walked there, where my feet would take me, with no specific destination in mind.


Here I was.. walking around the lake again for the... I didn't really count, but probably for like the twenty-fifth time..?

Suddenly, an idea came to mind, so I looked around and found what I was looking for.

You ran up to the tree and stared at it for a bit before I started to climb up it.

I had a steady grip and climbed higher and higher until...


Jax's POV:

I left the tent annoyed after an argument with Zooble and kicked a stone that was on the path.

I was mumbling things underneath my breath while walking to wherever..


I'm not sure how long it has been, but it seemed I've been out for a while since it seemed to be around noon, and it was morning when I left the tent.

My ears twitched when I heard something in the distance

It sounded like...

I turned my head to see what was going on.

What I saw from a far made my eyes narrow and my relaxed smile turn into a frown...


I'm gonna leave this with a cliffhanger because I feel like it, and every book has one sooner or later :>

Stay tuned! ^^

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