𝟬𝟭: 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙

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   𝙇𝘼𝙄𝘿 𝙊𝙉 your comfy bed, your thick, blankets covering your body, ensuring yourself (and your phone) safe from your parents finding out your sleep-deprived ass stayed up extremely late on a school day. You typed in a few more sentences, finally putting an end to your months long KNY Isekai fanfic.

Oh to visit a fictional universe. Preferably one you already knew about. Everyday you would daydream about being isekai'd to Demon Slayer, battling demons, not taking everything seriously, and especially meeting your favorite characters. You wanted to leave your dull life and do something really fun and adventurous.

However, you had very little to zero motivation to do anything other than be on your phone whenever you desired. If you ever trained under Urokodaki for just one day, you'd want to come back. Furthermore, cellphones did not exist at that time. It's one of the most dangerous anime verses to be in.

You merely saw yourself as just an ordinary person, living an ordinary life, and doing ordinary things that piqued your interest.

"Bla bla bla, aaaand published."

You muttered under your breath as your thumb pressed the publish button without hesitation. Your eyelids were drooping, and your mouth felt parched. Wanting to get up from your comfy bed and drink a whole gallon of water, however your parents undoubtedly assumed you were now asleep.

"Well shit."

'Guess I'll just go to sleep then..'

Your sweaty hands lifted the blankets away from you. All that sweat had soaked your body. Afterwards you gazed at the ceiling for a good few minutes before your eyes drifted off into slumber.

»»————- ★ - ★ ————-««

"Yo wassup [Name]."


   𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙀𝙓𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀𝘿 as you turned your head around every non-existent angle viewing the seemingly endless black void for anyone who brought you here.

'Why did bro say my name so casually? And where the hell am I?'

'You're in a random ass black void.' A voice whispered in your head. You knew it wasn't your intrusive thoughts nor the voice you spoke in your head.


"Ye but I prefer talking normally. Your mind is full of these random ass thoughts. Anyways name's Thomas." 'Thomas' spoke casually.



"Aight, aight jeez. So uh, why am I in a black, empty void?" You questioned 'Thomas'. "And how did you even bring me here? And why am I not scared?"

"You get isekai'd. Also, I ain't tellin' ya that shit." Thomas responded to your question.

'I never got hit by a truck bro what do you mean? Also is this the fanfic I wrote months before my dumbass arrived here? Like I remember adding Thoma-'

"That's too cliche and overused so let's not do that. Also yes, you will be in the fanfiction you wrote."

"There's absolutely no way you're for real for real for that. Like how the hell am I gonna get sent to the fucking kay-en-why fanFICTION I wrote-"

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