Vault of Djhwty

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November 27th, 2019

I had an amulet around my neck. It was a golden ankh on a gold pyramid, with what I believe was a teardrop-cut emerald, set in the hoop of the ankh. I grasped the necklace, pulled it over my head, and then placed it around my father's neck, who may have been Sut on first guess. I could only see his figure. I could have been wrong, and it could have been my other father, Anpu. The amulet had been returned to his possession after he'd left it with me as an infant being.

Djhwty woke me up. My vision was shrouded in background radiation, giving me the sense of being inside of a staticky television screen. I couldn't see Djhwty, but I could feel his presence standing over my bed. He was at my side.

First, he told me about four things he thought about me. I forgot what he said, but I remember taking offense to the 3rd one. I considered it quite mean, but I didn't believe he had said it with malice. Having admiration for Djhwty, his harsh opinion cut deep.

He then told me four tasks I needed to achieve in my waking life:



"Brush your teeth


He used his energy to push me to the right of my bed, an action of positivity other deities have used to communicate with me, whereas pushing my essence to the left is negative, such as a voiceless deity telling me "no". I spun in my bed and on my back until something hard, metallic, and black conked me outside my head, hard. It seemed as if Djhwty left something in my bed. He overestimated the amount of energy it took to move me and accidentally knocked me into his object.

As I writhed in pain, feeling my body twisted and contorted to the right, I noticed the warmth of my cat and familiar, Rew, in my lap. Her presence helped me realize my position hadn't changed and that I was just experiencing sleep paralysis.

I fell back asleep.

I was Gohan, and I was training with my father, Goku, on a desert plateau. The surrounding area was enveloped with an array of pale-yellow oceanic pillars and plateaus. The carnotite structures showed evidence of corrosion caused by deep-water currents and debris.

After training, I and the presence I knew to be my father were no longer Gohan and Goku, but ourselves as our own divine spirits. We found ourselves inside the plateau that we had been training upon. Inside, there was a tall, cylindrical room hollowed out. Unlike the yellow stone on the planet outside, the stone inside the plateau was the same red hue as the plateaus in the American Southwest. At the bottom, there was a circular pool of water. It was much like a fountain but without a water spurt.

I had no awareness of an entrance to the hollowed-out space or how we made it inside the plateau. We were just there.

My father and I must have been hovering over the pool, as I felt no ground beneath my feet. The being I knew to be my father was behind me, so I couldn't see him. I guessed that the presence representing my father was Anpu, however, it could have been Sut, for all I knew. Since both deities are my fathers in the astral plane, the presence I felt could have been either or. As I work with the two deities more often, I will become more attuned to the feel of their energies and should be able to distinguish them in the future.

The wall parallel to us opened apart. On a pedestal inside, there was the same amulet I'd given to my father, however, it had a ruby instead of an emerald. A second pedestal stood empty. This was where the emerald-set artifact once stood. I knew this to be Dhwtj's vault and that the artifacts were his property. I also knew that the ruby-set amulet was for me.

A doric pillar emerged from the fountain below. As it rose, four ionic iconic pillars rose out of the top of the cylinder. Four skinny ibis-headed women, adorned in togas and wreaths, came out of the archways in the columns.

They danced around in a star shape and sang to us:

"We are the guardians of Thoth!

"......... {"in this garden"}."


{"Listen to him on this path of hope!"}

I was skeptical that these ibis-headed women were truthful about being the guardians of Djhwty. I had my reservations after the buff, manly, all-brawn ibis-headed men, who had guarded the exit of Hotel California, turned out to be bandits wearing illusionary shape-shifting devices. However, Djhwty made his presence known, and I let go of my skepticism about these guards. If Dhwtj trusted them, then perhaps they truly were his guardians.

They repeated the song, "We are the guardians of Thoth..."

The Greek sculptures, uniforms, and the form of Djhwty's name used by the guards made me speculate that he was given the guardians by the Greeks. Perhaps the Greeks had also built this discreet room for Djhwty's use.

I forgot most of the lyrics, but I remember becoming lucid. I noted that the song rhymed and listened closely. I concentrated on remembering the lyrics. However, I failed gravely at this task.

Djhwty 's voice came from all around. "I have two flowers in my garden." I knew this was his way of saying, "Both the artifacts are real". Assured that the artifact was as powerful as the one I had returned to Sut or Anup, and would surely help me in my task to reclaim Djhwty's library from bandits, I collected the amulet and placed it around my neck.

Djhwty woke me up again. I was paralyzed in bed, but my vision wasn't obscured this time. I could see Dhwtj's thin, velvet-blue curving beak in my left-peripheral field of vision. He was standing close enough that I knew it was truly him, but far enough that I couldn't see his true face. I figured that trust between myself and the deity must be built before Djhwty would be ready to reveal himself to me.

He gave me one simple instruction, "Go to school." I was awake enough during my sleep paralysis to remember Djhwty's most urgent command.

I slipped back to sleep.

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