Chapter 2: Search and Rescue from Hell

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The main hall is lit up, giving off a warm and safe vibe that allows me to just take a deep breath and process through everything a little more. My hometown, which had been normal just last week, is officially destroyed and gone. Everyone, except for Leon now it seems, is turned into monsters that are uglier than my Grandma Pattie, and I can feel tears well in my eyes as I remember the sight that welcomed me when I first woke up.

The bodies, torn and partially eaten, all strewn apart and littering the streets. Trash and garbage all over the place, with buildings either partially destroyed or on fire. My city was burning and breaking down while I was passed out and dying, and the first zombie that I had seen nearly gave me a heart attack. It was a man dressed in a dirt white shirt and tan cargo shorts. His skin was gray with the veins a bluish black color, and his eyes had this milky white look to them. The flesh around his neck was missing, like something had come by and torn a chunk of him out.

Something did.

Sighing, I lean against the main desk in the front part of the main hall. The next zombie was a woman, and she was in worse condition than the man had been. Same dark veins and grey skin with milky eyes. However, she was missing half her lower jaw and part of her neck. Each zombie I came across looked worse than the last, and I had been slowly processing it until I came across a child. That broke me, which lead me having a breakdown in the middle of the road.

I've gotten used to everything around me since then, though, so nothing really surprises or bothers me anymore. It's sad to say that, but dead people have become my new normal in ways I never expected them to.

"Hey, you good...?" I hear Leon ask me, startling me from the memories of the last few days, and I nod my head as I let out a deep breath, forcing myself to finally let go of it all. I can't change what happened to those people, but I can help get Leon out of here.

Focus on what you can do, Amy. Not what you can't.

"Yeah, just thinking about everything that I've been through and seen. How my whole fucking city fell in the span of a few hours, turning into the sight around us now. Fuck, what the hell is going on, Leon? Where the fuck did a zombie virus even come from? Why the fuck am I so different? Christ, I wish I had answers!" In aggravated annoyance, I punch the wooden desk, cracking it a little. "Fuck, I didn't mean to break that."

"Hey, we'll find answers. I want to know, too. Help me get out of this city along with any other survivors, and I promise, I will get you your answers." Leon says, and I look at him. He really is beautiful, and I can feel myself getting attached to him. I've always had attachment issues, with everyone around me being either mean, cold, or heartless, so when anyone shows me any kindness, I attach to them like...well, like a zombie attaches to a living person.

"Deal. Again, I'd shake on it, but I don't want to risk scratching you. Can you even get infected by a scratch? Or does it have to be a bite?" I wonder aloud as I start to look around the hall again, being in the present instead of the past, now.

Behind the front desk is an open area that has a set of grand staircases and a large goddess statue in the center. Towering pillars stand tall on the sides of the building, holding the other floors up, and there're several racks holding up hospital-like curtains in the large open area with retractable beds behind them. Papers are thrown and scattered all around the sleek marble floors, making the place look like a hurricane has swept through it. Leon tells me about the announcement that he'd heard about survivors being told to come here, but we don't see anyone here in the main hall.

From the looks of the place, I'd say everyone's long gone by now. Especially if it's been days since the announcement started.

I find a first aid spray sitting on top of some boxes and grab it for later. I can heal just fine, but Leon can't, and I have a feeling that this thing's going to come in handy sooner or later. Speaking of him, I walk back over to find him digging through the large front desk. There's a typewriter, a computer, a small desk lamp, and a couple other things sitting on top of it. Getting curious, I tap a button on the computer, making the screen light up for us both, and Leon leans in to look at the screen while I move over a few inches in order to not accidentally turn him in some way.

Undead Zombie Queen /// Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now