Chapter 15: Stalkers Are Fucking Creepy

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After I back away from the railing, that's when it really starts to hit me that I genuinely terrified a zombie monster into dying just to get away from me. That I scared the guy that's seven times larger than me, to his literal death.

"Amy." I hear Leon softly say behind me, but I can't look at him as I feel my hands start to shake. I'm terrified that he's afraid of me now, too, even though he said I never had to worry about showing my true self.

I didn't mean to lose it like that, I genuinely didn't, but when I thought Grandpa Roger was going to take Leon away from me, I just lost it.

You didn't just lose it this time, went feral...

"Amy, look at me, please." Leon says, and I figure if I can face Grandpa Roger, then I can face Leon. Slowly, ever so slowly, I turn around to look at Leon as I try to keep myself from breaking into pieces. I start at his feet, which are only a few steps away from me, then move my gaze up his legs, to his torso that's a bit ripped from Grandpa Roger's attack.

Finally, I move my eyes up to his face, but I don't see the fear and terror that I completely expected, and I can't tell if that makes me feel better or worse. Leon is looking at me like he's worried I got hurt, that I ='m the one that got injured. Like I'm not the one that totally just monstered out on the monster itself.

He really does love you, Amy. Truly.

"What-" My voice cracks a bit, so I lick my lips before trying again, my voice barely above a whisper. "What just happened, Leon? I know you'll be brutally honest with me, and I need that right now."

"Well," Leon starts as he walks the last few steps over to me, pulling me against his chest even when I try to fight it in fear of losing him. Eventually, I just give up because Leon won't let go, so I curl into his chest. "You lost it, Amy. That sound you made when you saw the monster trying to kill was something I'd never heard come from you. Remember when I joked about you being a mini zombie boss? Well, you're not a mini zombie boss because you are the zombie boss."

Damn, he recognizes you as the queen that you are...shit, now we really can't lose him.

"What did I look like? I felt different during that lost moment. I was drowning in rage because I was losing you, and I refuse to lose you to the monsters that I'm a part of." I whisper to him, and I feel him softly running his fingers through my hair.

"You got taller, for one." Leon says against the top of my head, and I can hear the smirk in his voice, making me carefully kick his foot. " looked beautiful. That's the best way I can put it. Your eyes turned black and had black veins spreading across the top half of your face, your claws were out and sharper than your future, and your tentacles were flailing around you wildly to show how angry you were. I can only say that you were beautiful. Especially when you completely annihilated Grandpa Roger's soul like you do when you eat cheeseburgers."

Okay, he's a keeper. He's definitely that dream guy you've always wanted.

"Stop making me smile, you adorable idiot. I'm supposed to feel like a terrifying, ugly monster. Not like I'm the zombie goddess of your dreams." I snap quietly at him, and he chuckles before pulling back to make me look at him.

"Amy Jones, you are not a monster. I told you to never ever be afraid to show yourself to me, zombie abilities and all. You're my undead zombie queen, and I'm your living human knight in police armor." Leon tells me, and I beam at him as I blow him an air kiss, getting one in return.

"You totally forgot the sexy and hot part in there, but I'll accept it because you're cute and adorable right now." I tell him, taking pride in how he blushes at me. "Now, we should probably go get Elliot before he thinks we died or some stupid shit like that."

Undead Zombie Queen /// Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now