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"Are we going to Eat?"

"Are you out of your mind? We are here in the middle of the dark alley getting chased by few really dangerous people, and you are talking about food?"

Holding her hands tight, i ran as fast as i could.

"My stomach is paining!! I need food! Don't run Mr Billa"

I looked towards her coldly

"Bill.. What?!"

"Billa it means cat"

I stopped and looked towards her

"Am I a cat? How dare you call me cat!"

"Leave me na then!!! Shuu hurrrrr!!"

I heard the men finding us. I pulled her closer and closed her mouth with my hands. We hide under the bridge.

She was trying to speak but couldn't. She was poking my stomach.

"Stop this or I'll care no more about you and kill you with my hands"

She giggled

She giggled?! Did i joked with her?

I removed my hands from her face.

"I have heard that Italian pasta are famous, where do me-"

"Stop talking about food! Now you go your way from here and I'll go mine. The men are not following us anymore"

I turned to walk away but i felt someone pulling my coat from the corner. I looked towards her and saw her sad face with a pout...the pout remind me of... Kashish...

"Tussi na jao.." (don't go)

She started crying loudly.

"I lost..my... phone..i don't know where to go or do"

She hugged me tightly. She was sneezing and sobbing.

"My mother will kill me! How will I talk to her? My hotel informations, everyone's number, bookings all were in my phone!!"

I didn't knew what to do, this girl looks innocent too and anyone can manipulate her. I don't care about anyone but she...she reminds me of Kashish.

"Follow me"

I uttered coldly and started walking with my hands in my pocket.

"You will help me?"

"Say na?"


I glanced towards her coldly

"If you keep annoying me then I'll leave you here"

She puts her finger in lips.

"Thankyou Billu"

I ignored and kept walking.

"You know what I know how to take care of myself i got so angry when that man was not letting me eat my pancakes like seriously? Mine?, actually you know what I was scared that they will get scared of my anger"

I kept walking while texting Vincent, one of my Henchmen.

"I am like mata kail when it comes to my anger I can go soo scary and dangerous"

She kept talking and talking and talking. I don't know why I want to help her, she is annoying.

"Then once liked this happed that .."

T̲h̲e̲ ̲L̲o̲v̲e̲ ̲a̲n̲d̲ ̲W̲a̲r̲t̲h̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲M̲a̲f̲i̲a̲Where stories live. Discover now