2: Kitchen booms

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"Hello Xander!" Dawn smiled as she approached the redhead "Your aura today is incredibly green. Did something good happen?" she asked. He flashed the blond a smile.

"Heya Ms. Dawn! Yeah, I was just helping Rody with stuff in the kitchen." Xander explained, happy. Dawn hummed in response.

"Didn't you say that your taste buds were too strong, though?" she asked. Xander chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I did say that. I also told him as well when he asked me for help. But he said, and I quote,: 'Well, it's better than not having any taste at all'. Then he looked... scared for a second?" he recalled, frowning "I did agree to help him, but I'm a bit worried for him." he admitted. Dawn nodded as the redhead spoke, trying to understand the situation.

"I would say that our friend might have said something related to his past." she suggested "However, we cannot talk to him about it for now. We might trigger something." she told him. The rebel sighed, nodding. He really was concerned about Rody, but Dawn was right, he couldn't run straight to ask him. It was a bad decision.

"You're right. We should wait. For now-"


Both Dawn and Xander turned their heads to the source of the explosion, smoke coming from the kitchen. The redhead quickly opened the door while Dawn grabbed the fire extinguisher next to the door. "What happened?!" Xander asked when he saw Rody and Ryuuji coughing a lot while running out of the kitchen.

"I was trying to make those instant noodles Denshi likes, but I left the metal spoon inside the microwave and forgot to take it out." Ryuuji explained while Dawn went inside to stop the fire.

"I warned him too late- I'm so sorry Xander!" Rody apologized, sweating bullets. Xander sweatdropped.

Togo was probably gonna kill them later.


"Oh dear." Togo sweatdropped, staring at the mess in the kitchen. Miklan facepalmed.

"Idiots, the both of you." he deadpanned, looking at Rody and Ryuuji, who both looked like dejected puppies.

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