3: Cuddling with bad movies on the background

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"This movie fucking sucks." Shez deadpanned as she stared at the TV, which was playing Twilight: New Moon. She was sinking onto the couch, her arms crossed.

"Is this what's popular in your world?" Sylvain asked, an arm wrapped around Togo. She only hummed.

"This is the least popular and most hated movie out of the whole franchise, so don't worry." she mumbled, nuzzling onto Sylvain's side. Shez huffed, leaning onto Togo. Esentially, the three formed a small cuddle pile.

"You want to put anything else?" Togo asked, stretching her hand out for the remote. However, her arm was too short to reach it, so Shez grabbed it for her.

"Thanks Shezzy." she mumbled, kissing Shez on the forehead. Sylvain pouted.

"Hey, I want kisses too." he huffed. Togo only chuckled, kissing his cheek. He smiled, happy.

"What is... 'After'?" Shez asked, looking at the movies. Togo looked at the TV, confused.

"I think it's one of those bad boy and 'not like other girls' girl romance thing. You wanna watch it?" Togo asked.

"If we get to make fun of it." Sylvain laughed. The other two chuckled as well, deciding to press play.


Hubert hummed to himself as he walked through the halls, Byleth next to him. "What song are you humming?" the ash haired boy asked, curious.

"I believe it's called 'Servant of Evil'. Togo showed it to me the other day, and it has not left my mind since." Hubert recalled, passing through the living room. Byleth did too, but stopped midway when he saw the TV on with a random movie playing. He raised a brow.

"Who's watching the TV at 6 in the morning?" he asked out loud, Hubert stopping dead in his tracks. The black haired mage back tracked his steps, looking in the living room.

"I believe Ms. Shez and Mr. Gautier were setting up a... 'movie night', as Togo's world calls it." Hubert recalled. Byleth blinked before walking inside the room, heading over to the couch. He sighed once he saw the sight.

Togo squished between a sleeping Sylvain and a sleeping Shez, her eyes closed. The three were snoring quietly—well, if Sylvain's snoring could even be called quiet—, all cuddled up against one another. The ash haired man shook his head, unfolding a blanket and placing it over them.

"Don't get sick, you three."


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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 11 ⏰

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