When You have to lie - 3

6 2 0

Words 880
Y/n - your name
L/n - your last name
Y/f/n -your friend's name

Day 2 - 24 of December
Kiyoshi POV

I woke up to see that I was on the bed and Y/n was sleeping on the floor. 'how did I get  up here?' I thought to myself. I quickly got up out of bed and picked Y/n up and putted her on the bed.

I looked over at the clock on the wall that said it was 10am. I picked up my phone and saw I've got a message from Hyūga.

"Yo Kiyoshi we are having lunch at 10am but are meeting up at 09:30"

"Hey Y/n wake up" I said in a calm voice. I tried to shake her a bit to see if that would work but it didn't. So I went and got ready Frist instead.

I quickly went into the bathroom to get dressed then tried to wake y/n up again. But when I went back into the room Y/n was up and she was in the middle if changing.

I quickly went back inside the bathroom and shut the door. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and went I looked in the mirror my cheeks where bright red.

"K-Kiyoshi" Y/n said. "I-I'm sorry I didn't realise you where getting changed" I said as my cheeks went a brighter red. "I-I didn't even know anyone was still here, I thought you all left for breakfast" Y/n said.

Y/n quickly got ready and we both headed out to try and find where we where having breakfast.

Down at breakfast

Me and Kiyoshi got lost trying to find the breakfast place but we finally got there tho. "Good morning everyone" I said as we walked into the cafe. "Good morning you 2 put is there any reason why your your late?" Hyūga asked. "We got lost and we slept in a bit" kiyoshi said. They took a seat and order they're meal. Kiyoshi got a eggs and toast and so did Y/n.

After they all finished getting something to eat they all went back to their rooms to wrapped the last of the Christmas presents. Their was a place for them to but the presents so on Christmas Day they can open them all together with everyone.

With Kiyoshi and Y/n

I had something on my mind for a while now and every time I want to speak about someone or something gets in the way. I could feel my cheeks burning up since now I was going to ask Him.

"K-Kiyoshi" I said "y-yeah?" He said as he truned his head and looked at me. "With what earlier today can we not speak about it please" I said my cheeks got even hotter. "Y-yeah that sounds like a plan" he said as he was grabbing his pajamas. "Sorry it's just that it's was really embarrassing and well you know" I said as I looked over to the window as fast as I could. "Yeah I get It so don't worry" Kiyoshi said as he putted his pajamas on a self in the bathroom then walked out. "I'll be back in a bit Hyūga wants to talk to me" Kiyoshi said then left me alone.

After that all I could think about was Kiyoshi he was just on my mind and everytime I tried to go to sleep all I could see was him... So I got up and left a note on the door so he would see it when he got in. I Got back in bed and laid down. But finally I was able to get to sleep.

With Kiyoshi and the team
Kiyoshi POV

"You wanted to speak to me Hyūga?" I said as I saw the whole team of Seirin except Riko she wasn't there. They where all doing they're own thing.

"What was the really reason you where late to breakfast cause I know you weren't just lost" Hyūga said.

I thought about telling him but I remembered what Y/m said and didn't want to any more.

"We um just got lost that was it..." I said and took a seat next to him.

"Kiyoshi the truth" Hyūga said. "That is the truth" I said nervously. "The whole truth then" Hyūga said.

He got me in a position I hated.

I didn't want to lie
I didn't want to brake a promise.

So instead of saying anything I just left and went back to my room.

When I got back I saw that there was a note on the door.

'hey Kiyoshi I don't want you to sleep on the floor again so it's ever I sleep on the floor or we both sleep on the bed'

My cheeks where heating up again but I listened to her. I didn't want her to sleep on the floor. I got changed into my pajamas.

When I went through to the room I saw that Y/n had woken up so I told her about what happened and she told me what to do.  I agree with what she said.

"Kiyoshi can I maybe get a hug?" Y/n asked. I nodded and got on the bed next to her to give her a hug but we both feel asleep.

But she was sleeping in my arms..

AN: sorry this is late I didn't have time to write or finish writing them before Christmas.

I'm going to try and post the rest of that chapters that need to be posted today and Tomorrow.

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