new years eve

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Words 809
Y/n - your name
L/n - your last name
Y/f/n -your friend's name

My cheeks where heating up and my heart was beating loader and faster. I. Didn't know what to stay so I stayed quiet.

30th of December

I woke up and I truned around to see that Kiyoshi was cuddling me and I had no idea what to say or what to think. We where allowed to get a lay in since it is new year's eve.

I was finally able to get out and I got a reminder from my phone. I opened my phone and I saw something a wrote a few years ago when my life felt like it was getting tipped upside down.

While reading it I felt my eyes tearing up. I went into the bathroom to take a breather in case Teppei woke up to me crying.

Kiyoshi POV

I woke up to someone shutting a door a bit loud. I got up and saw Y/N's phone screen.

There was a old reminder from last year. While reading it I felt like my heart was getting crushed into a million tiny peaces.

" I’m so sick of being the one everyone relies on and blames for the most simple things. I hate being the person who holds relationships and friendships together when no one else really tries. I hate having to act like an adult even when I'm still a child. I hate how people get angry at me for not going to school, but the reason I don’t go is because it’s too much, it’s too stressful and I’m always feeling like shit. If someone else gets hurt I feel guilty and I shouldn’t. I hate having to be the friend that keeps secrets and helps others, when really, I’m the one who needs help and needs someone to keep secrets for me. I hate when family members get angry or upset with me for saying no when I should be able to say no. I go into school and the first thing that happens is talking to teacher. I know that teachers are just trying to help, but I don’t want to tell them why I refuse to go to school, I don’t want to tell them what’s going on in my personal life. I want to be able to sort it out myself, but have people there to help me in case it gets too much, because it does more often than not. I want to live my life like a normal teenager but I can’t. I don’t really know what to do anymore. I hate crying but then I do all the time so what’s the difference? I hate feeling ill all the time, but I do. All I really want to do is just be happy for once and I just don't know how long I can take It. I just want to be able to love someone and not get yelled at for the little things that my friends or family don't like about them. I just wanna be loved by someone who wants me for me and not for my fame. "

My head was running in circles Just knowing she thought of this just makes me want to be mad at who ever did this to her.

I kept reading more to it but when I found out who it was I knew I wanted to do something that might get myself in trouble.

Later on

Y/n and Kiyoshi thought on how they would tell the team about them about them dating.

"Alright team let's get going to the new year's party" Riko said. "Wait coach isn't that the place where the Generation Of Miracles and they're team is going to be?" Kagami said. "Wait so we're going to get to see them?" Y/l/n said (your last name).

We started walking to the place but Riko wanted to go and grab a few drinks. After that we finally got to the place and the person that we see is Kise.

"Hey Kurokocchi, Kagamicchi and everyone one else" Kise said. "Hello Kise" Kuroko said.

Kise went to hug Kuroko, but when he saw Y/n.

"WHAO who is she? I don't think I've seen her with you guys before?" Kise said. "Well Kise that's the coaches sister, Y/f/n (your full name)" kagami said.

"Well she looks beautiful"Kise said. "What was that?" Both Y/n and Kiyoshi said.

Everyone just looked at us then Kise showed us to where everyone was inside. Riko got all of us drinks then we went out to the back just before the bells.

AN: Sorry this chapter is 6/7 days late I wasn't able to post much since I was at a friends house.

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