Chapter 43

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After hearing mahir pointing at her deeds ruhi zoned out she didn't know how he got this much information about her because he came to this college only few days back and in this few days he got this much information About her and it is a big deal according  to her

So she decided to beg him because if he can get this much information about her in this few days then it won't take much time to him for throwing her out of this college and she don't want to lose this chance of studying reputated college it's not like she is worried  about her studies but it is because she always say to her relatives about this that she started hard and get this admission in the college but in reality it is because of donation but then if she loose seat in this college then nobody will give seat to her and also she will be shown down infront of her relatives so she thought to bend down for sometime she was thinking that once she is able to marry this Mahir then I will see who will stop me

Ruhi(faking her tears): I am sorry sir I know I have done so many wrongs in my past and now when you are talking to me like this I am understanding it till now no one have ever made me understand what is right and what is wrong that's why I am like this but now listening to your  words I  can understand that what I am doing these many days is wrong please give me one chance I will not make you regret it

Mahir knew what she is saying is all false but he want to think against this because he too wanted to change bad ones into good ones but he changes them rudely he dont believe on Saying lovingly to people who are doing bad with others he chooses rude way because he believe if they can understand with soft words they would have changed long back but still if they didnt means we had to choose rude way to change them so he dont respect those who hurt others  or show them down

Mahir:ok I am giving you last chance if you made me regret it then I will give you tc myself we dont need this type of people in our college or university

Ruhi:surely sir I wont repeat my mistake after knowing how much big mistake is this she said removing her fake tears and smiling happily as she thought that she fooled him she was now confident enough that she will make him fall for her since she fooled him so easily

Mahir:ok guys now enough of discussions come fast one by one I had to go to hospital too after this

Students: yes sir one by one everyone came and checked themselves up and he went to hospital after informing ritik and veer to take care of the university

At hospital

He took bela reports and gave the samples of the students and went back home

At home

Mahir just entered and bela jumped on him 

Mahir:and here we go again my rabbit is back how many times I have told you not to jump like that what if I wasn't able to catch you huh always jumping around like a rabbit dont forget about your wound if The pain decreased a bit we cant stop you right you-

She cut him off and said Cutely

Bela(cutely):stop mahi please always ready to scold me I got excited seeing you early na

Mahir: you do those works which make me scold you

Bela:I told you naa I am excited now leave it by the way what is in your hands

Mahir:these are your reports only madam

Bela:oh leave this na come lets watch movie together she tried diverting his mind

Mahir:stop this bacha I know what you are trying to do but you cant stop me from Seeing the reports

Bela(Cutely) :Mahi I am hungry please na make something from me I wanted to eat something made by your hands its been many days since you cooked food for us

Mahir knew She said this to divert him but he also know unknowingly she said her wish so can mahir stop himself from doing What his albela likes the answer is no so he find himself agreeing to her

Mahir:ok bacha I will make you sit here and enjoy just some minutes

Bela: I will also come to help you na

Mahir(Sternly) :no just sit here and wait for sometime I will come dont dare to move from here

Bela(sad pout):ok

He pecked her pout and went inside the kitchen while bela sat on the table fully bored

Thats it for today guys

How is the chapter?

How is mahirs way of thinking?

Was he correct to use his heart instead of brain ?

How is behirs  conversation?

How is bela trying to divert him from seeing the reports?

What will happen next?

Will bela be able to stop herself from getting herself into more trouble?

Please vote and comment and sorry for the short chapter I have college 8 to 6 even today generally we would just write 2 exams meaning 6 hours on sunday but now as exams are coming so they asked us to come and they are kind enough to reduce 2 hrs(sarcastically ) thank you for waiting I wont promise but I will try giving update  before it reaches 5 days or I will give it obn sunday again once again sorry and Thanks for waiting

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