Chapter 49

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Few days passed After that incident mahir as promised gave her choclate next day and bela tried to get more choclates but can her tricks work infront of her mahi na it can never be possible so she stopped trying after he warned her that she wont get any choclate  for a month

Everything is normal but is it?is everything back to normal lets see

One fine Morning bela wake up and went to freshenup after that she got ready but one thing she felt weird that everyday her mahi will wake her up and force her to come for walking but today nothing sort happened instead he is still sleeping

Bela:its weird why mahi didn't woke up till now and see mahi didnt woke up then all forgot about that stupid walking great this is what I wanted I am very happy

Bela(worried) :but is he ok this didnt happen anytime he slept late yesterday that maybe the reason he didn't got up early today but even if he slept late also he wakes up before only what happened now I think I should check on him

Saying this she went to the bed and sat beside him to wake him up and ask the problem but when she touched him she realised he is burning she immediately panicked

Bela(panicking):oh my god he is literally burning how can I be so careless I didnt even felt it my bad I am so bad wife

What are you thinking bela this is not the time for it do something fast yelled her brain

Bela realised I have to do something first she went to kitchen and brought a bowl of water with a wet cloth and she started wiping his face and changing it time to time

She called the doctor and started to rub his hands and legs Meanwhile mahir woke up feeling her touch he with his tired eyes looked at his surroundings and saw a teary eyed bela taking care of him so he asked her immediately

Mahir:bacha what happened why are your eyes are so teary hmm?

Bela:you woke up thank god do you know how much scared I am more tears made their way

Mahir:hey calm down why are you crying so much I am fine see

Bela(sarcastically) :oh wow then why cant I see or feel it

Mahir: I dont know he just shrugged

Bela:mahi enough you are not fine I can see it and before you can argue with me let me say I am your wife and I know how you are and I also know how much weak and tired you are feeling right now thats why you are still on the bed and if you want to still argue then please dont I am really not in the mood to handle it doctor is also coming he will handle it

Mahir almost whinned:why??even I am a doctor I know how I am I don't need any other doctors

Bela:Seriously  Mahi? she asked getting  irritated her mahi can be child when he is sick she even cant believe this darcastic change the person who orders her around and scolds her every single time for not taking care of herself and see him here behaving childishly throwing tantrums for getting himself checked anyways she loves this side of him where she can take care of him pamper him she rarely gets a chance as maximum mahir will be the one to pamper her all the time


Just then the doctor arrived bela signed mahir to be silent for sometime mahir looked at her and sat obediently

The doctor checked him and said

Doctor: are you taking stress from past few days

Bela:what happened doctor what is with this stress thing

She asked glaring at mahir

Doctor: I guess he is taking stress from few days and I guess he is not taking proper rest from the past few days

Bela:no doctor only yesterday he didnt slept on time remaining time he slept with me only

Doctor: you must be mistaken then he isn't taking rest properly from last few days Thats why he got fever please take care

Bela:ok Doctor thank you

Doctor: its ok its my duty and these are the medicines and I want these two injections send someone to bring it

Bela(nervously) :Doctor are the injections needed

Doctor: absolutely his fever is high I am just giving him fever reducers

Bela:ok doctor I will ask someone to bring them do whatever you want to do but I want him healthy by tomorrow she sounded so strict like a lady don which she is when it comes to her family

She went downstairs to send ramu kaka to bring the medicines and the injections but she saw her family there and she then realised that she forgot to inform to her family about this all now they wont leave her so easily she quickly called ramu kaka and gave him the prescription and asked him to bring it all and she turned to see her family looking at her all worried ready to ponder question bank on her and she was right though as Soon as ramu kaka left to bring the medicines all of them worriedly asked questions Without even giving her gap to answer and when she did they first scolded her for not telling anything about this they are family for godsake  if they dont share these type of things and stay by each other side then whats the point of having it

After whole damn 15 minutes which she felt like eternity when ramu kaka brought the medicines they finally left her Saying this discussion is not over we will deal with it someother time for which she was like then what the fuck did you do till now but she wasn't that much brave to say this out loud atleast not when the hungry lions are already to pounce on her if given a chance

She silently took the medicines and went to there room and vani and rivanya followed her

She gave it to the doctor and he started preparing it to divert the topic bani said

Bani:huh finally the khadoos Doctor us getting shots I am so happy now you will know how much it pains

Bela,Shivanya: exactly

Veer,Ritik: shut up guys

They rolled their eyes but inside bela want this to stop she cant see him in pain the Doctor injected him the first shot bot Even a hiss came out from mahir but bela hissed tears fall from her eyes and with the second shot she was fully crying out loud

Mahir:Bacha comeon stop it dont cry nothing happened its just a small needle it cant do anything to your hubby he is more strong than This

Bela(crying) :you shut up for you its small but see how much big it is leave it why I am explaining it to you you wont understand because you are also one of them who mercilessly inject Saying this she stromed out of the room while mahir was Like what just happened I am just trying to console her and she yelled at me and went out crying herself these ladies uff now I have to manofy her too

Thats it for today guys

I am planning from some days to atleast update on new year day since I will be free on it and here I am I successfully completed it and I want to say something for the writers who write story I am not reading many stories nowadays as I want ti concentrate on my studies and after january peacefully read it all its hard for me since wattpad has became one of my addiction but I am trying I will give reply to all your comments you are always welcome to talk to me but I am trying hard to stop reading for some days hope you guys understand why I am not reading many stories I will read them once I am free Thank you and this is what I want to tell you

And thankyou @unknown1389107 for your idea I hope in future too you will give me like this type of ideas and will share your valuable opinion if not in the story then atleast you can talk privately if you have something complaints or ideas or anything this is to my all readers

And once again I will give answer to all of you as soon I saw the messages and I am sorry writers for not reading your books but I will try to read when I get time

Thank you for your love and support to this book it means a lot

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