A fresh start (a brooklyn beckham and 1D fanfiction)

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"wake up skyler wake up NOW." I woke up to shouting of my anoying sister, katie. She had long wavy black hair which fell just below her shoulders and was 6 years old. She wasent evan my real sister we adopted her from london about 4 years ago. My parents adopted all of my brothers and sister i was there only bialogical child.

"What !" i shouted sharply at her, she slowly took a step back. She knew i was angry. Smart girl. "Mummy says you need to get up cuz its you're first day at school" she said letting out a giggle as she skipped away out of the door. I let out a small grown.

We had just moved her about a week ago. It was the easter holidays hear in la so i had a week of up packing to do before i had school. I had just about finnished all my packing and there was only a couple more boxs for me to un pack.

We moved hear becouse my old home wasent that nice. I was getting bullied and teased by my class mates, and my mum and dad wanted to adoped more children and our house was getting to small for all of us so it was just easyier to move i guess. There was a time when i dident get bullid, it was in year 5 i met this boy, at football his name was Brooklyn. He was smart and kind and was the only one at football that dident make fun of me for being the only girl on the team, i had a little crush on him but then he changed he was mean and nasty and would call me names. I was hurt. But i'm determent i put all that behind me and start fresh.

I rolled out of bed and looked at my alarm clock which read 6:39 i let out a loud gron and strolled to the bathroom. I ran the ice cool warter of the shower as i steped inside the glass walls i rinsed myself top to bottem. Then i started to was my dirty blond hair. As i came out i

wasled to my wardrobe and pulled out a t-shirt that read Nerd, and some denim shorts with a belt then quickly throw them on. I quivkly dried my hait and plated it and pined it up to the side.

I looked at myself in the mirrer and added some mascara to the ends of my lases before coating my lips in a light pink lip barm. I began to walk down stairs taking my time with every step, with the knowlege i hadent got to be at school till 8:30 and it was now 7:12. As i entered the kitchen i saw my cauotic family running around ebery where. There was amber doing her mascara at the table, Amber was 17 last week and now she thinks shes queen bee, she has a haselnut couler hair with chocolate brown eyes. Then theres danny flicking his pancake at his twin sister darcy and shes screaming at him. Danny and Darcy look the same apart from Darcy has a darker hair couler the danny and shes a girl of course. I suddenly realized that everyone seamed to be in a rush i glanced at the time on the tv it read 8:20 oh no. I quickly ran up to my roon and shoved all my books in my new school bag before waving to my mum.

As i opened the door the warm heat of the sun hit me couseing me to smile as i started walking. The school was only a 5 minite walk and was a privite school for talented people. Yes im talented i do ballet and im quite good i think. In my new school i will do 3 hours a day ballet and 2 hours school stuff you know maths, english, pe that stuff. I was excited but also nervers.

I walked about 2 blocks before i froze infront on the path looking left and right for up coming cars. No sign. Just as i crossed, a black land rover came speeding up the road. I froze in uter shock. When i felt two strong hands on my writs pulling me back to the path. My breathing had gotton faster. I turned around to see two emeranld green eyes staring back at me. He was no dout the hottest guy i had ever seen. "Are you ok ?" the mysterius figure said. He had shaggy dark brown hair the sweped to one side of his face, and was about 4.9. "Y-yeah i think" I said stuttering my words a little.

Then all this casous started and i started to feel dizzy. People started sprinting over to the path, there was the head teacher running towards me and a figure that looked like he was in his late 30s. "Oh my gosh im so sorry i wasent looking where i was going" the figure said. He was probally the one driving the car. Then i realized who it was!

It was David Beckham! The David Beckham omg i was uterly shocked.

"Im fine" i said with a little more confidence thrn before. All this fuss was just much. I felt my legs wabbal just as i feel towards the congreak floor.

I heard all these vocies saying things like "is she hurt, omg ,is that the new girl." Then David picked me up carring me into the school building. Then gentaly dropping me onto the chair. "Hello dear i'm mrs Burnstem im the head teacher hear, do you feel any dizznes or feel faint" she asked in a sweet concerned voice. "I feel a little dizzy, but thats all" i said in almost a wisper the she took of the get the nurse i guessed. Then as i looked to my left coming up to the reception was the one who broke my heart, and made my life hell for years.

Brooklyn Beckham.

He looked shocked and then tried to retrace his steps slowly turing back. When a vocie can from behind me. "Son come say hello to skyler" it was david beckham. I couldent take it after what happend. "We aready no each other" i said in an anoued tone before walking to the reception.

Brooklyn's story.

"So son how about a kick around today after lunch" said my dad in a playful tone. "Sure" i said. Just as we were about to pull into school my dad got faster. I saw girl was about to cross "DAD!" i yelled he quickly swerved to a sild while jumping out of the car and running to the girl. I swear i had seen the girl before, then it hit me it was skyler. I used to tease her and call her names but it was only becouse the others said i was becoming wierd like her. So i started to be mean to her to stay on the team. Then i realized what happend and i jumped out of the car and headed to reception. I hope shes ok i wouldent want her to get hurt,

even tho i was mean to her i still liked her a lot.

Skylers story:

"Hello im skyler lane im hear to pick my books up" i said in my sweetest tone. Behind the next was a middle aged woman with dirty blond hair that was raped in a bun. "Oh yes dear hear you go" she said before handing me 3 books, all diffrent coulers, and on top was a sheet of paper i looked down and read school boat trip printed in big letters on the top. "Excuse me what this about a boat trip" i asked. "Oh write of couse your science class is taking a trip to investagate under seas animals" she exblaned i nodded and said my thankyou before walking off to find my first class.

I started walking towards the science class rooms before cheacking the map on last time then turning around. As i did i bumped in to some one.


I sighed and picked up my books before walking in the opersite direction. Then i felt someone pull my wrist, couseing me to bump into brooklyns chest. "What!" i yelled. "I need to explain, i dident mean to-" he started before i cut him off. "What are you going to say. Sorry i pushed you and hit you everyday and made your life tourcher is that what you where going to say huh!" i yelled now in floods of tears. "Im sor-" he was cut off by a huskie vocie. "What!" It was his dad.

A fresh start (a brooklyn beckham and 1D fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now