ii. loved for who we are and not for who we are pretending to be

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A/N: this chapter is quite long, please enjoy nonetheless :)
the song featured in this chapter is called "sick of losing soulmates" by dodie.


2023, London: Britain’s Got Talent Auditions

The third time Dec confronts Ant about his arm, he finally decides that it can’t be anything but his soulmark.

A few weeks had passed since Dec caught Ant nervously fiddling with his arm. Saturday Night Takeaway officially wrapped for the year, and now they were busy filming auditions for Britain’s Got Talent. The last few weeks for the lads were busy but uneventful– the same routine they had developed over the recent years, but always with interesting new acts, talents (some more “talent” than others, Ant would argue), and a unique level of banter that only brewed within judges’ panel.

Ant takes a seat as Dec continues to shuffle beside him in the wings. They were barely half a day into the audition day, and honestly, it was already exhausting. The camera was off them at the moment, as the previous act, a cirque-du-soleil-esque act and other stagehands collected the rest of the props and fixtures needed for the act.

“Whad’ya think of the acts so far, Declan?”

Dec, who previously had his eyes toward the audience, turns to meet his best mate’s eyes. “Pretty good, yeah?”

“Nothing golden buzzer worthy, yet, ‘aye?” Though his words are jolly, Ant’s eyes begin to close while he laughs languidly.

A gentle laugh. “Not yet.”

Taking a few steps forward, Dec peeks from the wings and waves to the audience. He also decides to send a set of flying kisses to the judges’ table, where Amanda lets out a large “aww” and Simon simply rolls his eyes at him. 

They had read the audition list earlier today, and the next act was supposed to be a singer. The stage is clear now, only a lone mic stand, sitting quietly but intimidating enough for the next person who decided to take their chances out there today. Dec closes his eyes, an odd feeling of nerves creeping through his body. There’s something about the sight of a single mic stand, the feeling of being alone in front of hundreds of people that makes his blood freeze, an uncomfortable chill running through his body.

“Standby boys, next act coming up!” One of the backstage crew says and a few of the crew shuffle into place.

Dec slowly creeps back into position, stopping just in front of Ant. He nudges the other man gently, his eyes fully shut now. There’s a grimace on the taller man’s features, and his arms are crossed protectively over his chest, his right hand gripping uncomfortably at his left bicep. Dec notices.

He forces himself to look away. In the corner of his eye, a woman in her mid-to-late thirties is nervously cradling the neck of an acoustic guitar. She had dark brown hair and was dressed in simple, maybe smart-casual attire, and her complexion was no better than a marshmallow. Bless her, she looks absolutely terrified.

A nervous contestant, and a tense presenting partner. Another gentle nudge, even though worry is starting to form on his face. “Ant? We’re on.”

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