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Pov Dick

Finally, after a warm welcome, we decided to return to the tower. I knew this return might be difficult for Jason, the flood of memories might be too much for him. However, I know Jason is strong. he also has me and our daughter on his side. This time I won't let him fall. I can't let this happen a second time.

 I was driving the car while Jason and Kasta were having a discussion to get to know each other better. they had similar interests and way of thinking. sometimes they spoke in the same way, as if they were reading each other's minds. I thought it was very cute, practically the entire way to the tower you were smiling like an idiot for no reason. however, they didn't notice and continued their discussion, now about music 

k:I prefer lady Gaga. -said the girl sitting in the back seat. 

j: yes, she is good, but I gesticulates more in Rihanna and songs introducing a gangster vibe haha.

 I quietly snorted 

d: also tell me that you have speakers connected in the mask and you can hear music 

j:of course yes. shooting weapons at enemies to the rhythm of music is awesome - Jason opened his eyes wider and looked at Kasta, and then at me - does she know?... 

d:yes Jason. he knows about Nightwing, Batman and all the rest. It would be a bit hard to train titans and tell a child that it's just fun 

k: and disappear for whole nights without explanations - added the girl, crossing her arms on her chest. I looked at my daughter in the mirror and couldn't help but smile warmly. she wrinkled her nose the same way Jason did when she was slightly annoyed.

 finally, when we arrived at our destination, I parked in the garage and turned off the engine. The three of us got out of the car and headed to the elevator. Kasta started a fight with Jason over who would press the button, and I took advantage of their little disagreement and pressed the button, thus opening the elevator.



I smile at their insult, but I didn't make a big deal about it. I let Jason and Kasta go ahead and we started heading up. Jason was standing to my right, just like these three were over 15 years ago when we first met. He was wearing the same sweatshirt and shorts, only now Jason was older, his face was more beautiful, his hair was more luxuriant and curly, and his eyes shone brightly. 

j: being a robin is cool. working with Batman, kicking ass, driving the Batmobile - Jason whispered to me with a slight smile on his face. I quietly smirk, remembering this moment perfectly. was, and it's one of my happiest memories of Jason that I've ever had. 

d:he let you drive the Batmobile? -I asked with feigned shock, a little dramatically. Jason shrugged with a smile, barely holding back his laughter. I made a grumpy face for the playwright, hands in my pockets and shaking my head. Kasta looked at us like we were crazy 

k:okay, I don't understand what you mean now 

Jason and I looked at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing. 

his laugh....I haven't heard that in a long time. I dreamed many times about hearing his laughter again. the day has finally come.

The elevator door opened and we headed into the living room where I heard a familiar voice. I didn't mean Rachel or Gar - it was someone else. someone I haven't heard in a long time. 

When we entered, all pairs of eyes were focused on us. mainly on jason. many looked shocked and even a little scared, but among them was a figure with white hair wearing a sweater. 

I recognized the woman immediately. 

it was Dawn.

 Dawn looked at Jason with hatred. I felt that this confrontation would not end well. 

d:Dawn? what are you doing here? I thought you went to Paris.

 I said, surprised. Dawn looked at me briefly before turning her attention back to Jason. 

da:I came back for a few things. the better question is - she took a few steps towards Jason, who was standing uncertainly in the middle in front of her - what is HE doing here 

there was a heavy silence. I didn't know what to say. lie? to tell the truth? what to do? however, Jason was the one who spoke first. 

j:I know I can't change what happened, but I'm sorry. and very much so.

 Dawn burst into menacing laughter. I stood frozen in place. I've never heard her like that.

 da: you're just a murderer, nothing more! And don't fucking tell me you're sorry! Hank was my love. I will never forgive you. Never.


 k:What is this all about? -Kasta asked. Jason took a deep breath. I saw that it was difficult for him, but he didn't want to lie. I knew that. even if Jason had his flaws, he was noble. no matter what he did, he spoke the truth 

Jason's pov 

I looked at my daughter and sighed heavily. this will be a difficult conversation 

j:I killed Hawk in the past. Hank. there is no excuse for me - I saw Kasta shake his head in disbelief. tears came to her eyes, and they froze me. I did not know what to do. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder-Kas- 

k: Don't touch me! - she screamed. her tears were caused by anger. she pushed me away and ran down the hall, and without a second thought I ran after her. I don't care about Dawn, Rachel or Gar right now. all that matters now is my daughter. 

I noticed that he was running into the room that used to belong to me. I entered the room and didn't bother closing the door 

j:please listen to me 

k: why the fuck you weren't there - she shouted at me furiously - you're killing people! 

j:it's not like that! I try to be a better person every day. I regret what I did, but I can't take it back even if I wanted to. Daughter, please, my little white  hood. 

k:You're not my mother! 

this sentence blew me away. I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and destroyed it before my eyes. I don't even know when tears came to my eyes. I don't even know how long I stood there in silence, unable to do or say anything. Kasta looked at me as if she had just realized what she said.

 j: you're right - I said, surprising the girl - I'm not your mother. I would be her if I was with you from the beginning. but I couldn't. I had to first atone for my mistakes. I had to keep you safe. I didn't want anyone to hurt you, but of course it always ends the same. whenever he wants things to be good, it ends in disaster. I wanted to be a better Robin, I almost died, and the rest pushed me away. I wanted to be a better Robin for Batman, I died, and then he disappeared and looked for a fucking replacement for me. I wanted to be better and I fell to the bottom. as usual. Jason Todd always has to be the bad guy. so I'm sorry you met someone like me I fell apart. 

I had had enough. everything was starting to go well but I fucked up again. I was devastated and sad. I left my daughter's room and leaned against the wall of the corridor, hiding my face in my hands so as not to cry. 

I know what I did was wrong, but doesn't I really deserve a chance to change it?... 

maybe it won't do me any good 

Maybe I'll always be the villain

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