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Yoriichi knew something wasn't right. Nothing was right in this world but here... That boy clearly was a demon. What the hell was he doing with a slayer ? Why wasn't he under the control of the demon king. And those earrings... How did he get them?!

They reminded him of that time where he... Oh ? A drunk man bumped in him. "Excuse me, si-"

He didn't have the time to finish his sentence that the man slapped the demon. "Watch where you walk, dumbass !"

Yoriichi was a little annoyed by the man's manors but it wasn't really his fault since he was under the influence of alcohol. The progenitor of demons saw two other people who seemed as drunk as the first. He tried to walk away but he was stopped.

That's when it snapped. The man shouted "Hey, corpse looking man !" It made Yoriichi explode in anger, hitting the drunk right the face. Because of the demon's superhuman strength, it killed the man. The woman in the group went to check on the actual corpse here while the other man got closer to Yoriichi.

Not even one second later, he got the same fate as the first one while the girl looked horrified. She had a literal monster in front of her. At least, that's what Yoriichi assumed she was thinking and he hated it. He's not a monster!

The two of them looked at each other for a while before the king placed his finger on the woman's forehead and whispered "Tell me, do I look like I'm dead?"

No answer.

He pressed his index into her head.

"Want to see a magic trick ? I'm going to give you as much of my blood until your body can't take it anymore." He calmly explained as the woman was starting her transformation into a demon.

Normally, he would've stopped there but he wanted to see her slowly die.

As time passed, her body started swelling. That was good. She then became red and melted on the floor.

The demon king had no idea why he did that, actually. He could've killed her like the two others but he did that. Making her last seconds very painful. He could've just turned her into a demon, she wouldn't desobey his orders.

It reminded him about that young demon boy with the earrings. A demon who wasn't under his control could be dangerous. He snapped his fingers and two low ranking demons appeared.

One with abnormal yellow hair and the other one with boar tusks. He didn't even know their names but it didn't matter right now.

Yoriichi ordered the two with very simple words "Go find the demon with hanafuda earrings and kill him."

The two disappeared and their king left the alley. He wouldn't kill the boy himself, he had other things to do instead. He wasn't scared at all. Those earrings belonged to him, after all.

(AN : I'm sorry for this short chapter, I did it remembering that scene after I wrote chapter 8 and I honestly didn't feel like rewriting it. So you'll have 500 words, nothing more.)

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