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"As we all know... tragedy has struck our halls recently," Joseph's U.S. history speaks to the class.

The teacher was speaking about Chrissy's murder... Joseph was barely paying attention.

A lot was on his mind.

Having visions of Lucas, Chrissy, and Patrick getting murdered by someone in a strange, creepy, face of a ghost mask.

And how Chrissy actually did get murdered, minutes later.

These visions have to mean something.

But what?

And it seems like when he had his visions of Chrissy and Patrick, they just happened randomly, while he was conscious.

His vision of Lucas happened while he was asleep, almost like a dream.

Why are these happening to him?

And since Chrissy actually did get murdered... could they be visions of the future?

All of a sudden, as the teacher is speaking, the P.A. goes off, and the school principal speaks in a voice of panic,

"Students! We are under lockdown! This is not a drill! I repeat, we are under lockdown! This is not a drill! Everyone puts desks and chairs in front of the doors, close the blinds, and stand in the corners of the classroom! This is not a drill!"

Out the window, police sirens were heard and approached the school. Everyone seemed EXCITED. Not Joseph.

Oh god... What if it's Patrick?!

Another huge sense of dread hits him as he has this thought,

What if it's LUCAS?!

Those visions enter his mind once again, Jason stabbing him, Lucas lying dead on the floor...

Everything happens quickly...

Everyone closes the blinds, moves the desks and chairs in front of the door, and stands in the corner and is instructed to be quiet.

All of a sudden, they hear the police enter the school. It sounds frantic. You can make out words are being said but not what is being said. But all of a sudden, it sounds like someone says,

"We're moving the body out of here. Cover it. Don't let the students see."

Now a HUGE pinch of fear has entered Joseph.

Oh god, oh god, oh god... It HAS to be Patrick or Lucas, it just HAS to be!

What feels like an eternity passes by. As time goes on, Joseph can hear their whispers,

They found a body!

I wonder who it was!

And of course, Joseph was just waiting for someone to say this,

I hope it's one of those Hellfire nerds!

Joseph clenches his fists as he hears someone say that.

Then, the P.A. comes back on. The principal sounds emotional,

"Students... Thank you for your patience. I am absolutely devastated to say that... a murdered student was found in the Boy's Locker Room."

Oh god... oh no...

Visions Of Death (DISCONTIUNED)Where stories live. Discover now