Tank's description.

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Tank is 17, he lives in Las Vegas. He has long dark brown hair. His body type is muscular. His powers manifest through his progression in the story.

His personality is kind yet not forgiving! He has batsmen's, captain America's and Tony stark mindset! While having Superman's sense of honor!

Tank also has Onimans ego! Causing him to not think twice about killing his opponents! Tank views change each day as he ventures out and into the world of super heroes and villains!

Birthing the honorable and noble hero called "Vengeful Flame"

Also the comic book he lives in gives him powers or anything he unknowingly asks for. His character design is not my creation.

He's my version of all your favorite hero characters and more!

His choice of weapon is a Japanese katana, hand gloves made of metal to control his energy flow, chains made of alien material allowing for the chains to turn into fire!

His abilities and powers!

Immortality: Since becoming the main character of the Vengeful Flame Comic series Tank has gained the ability to never die! The Comic doesn't allow him to die or suffer from any magical powers!

Super sonic speed: Tank eventually becomes apart of the sonic force. The Sonic Force is where all of the fastest heroes get their powers and speed from. After being chosen by the sonic force Tank became the fastest hero to date!

Super strength: After seeing Power Man fight with Maniac. Tank thought to himself of becoming just like Power Man, and in return the comic book gave him Power man's DNA making him an alien like power man further enhancing his Speed and all other Abilities and powers.

Super intelligent: After seeing how smart the hero Braino was. Tank began to study about everything in the universe, any knowledge he could find he learned. He even traveled the world to learn different styles of fighting!

Heat Ray Vision: Thanks to tank becoming a Pytonian! Pytonian's are a fighter Race! They are known for being very powerful and highly dangerous. Power Man is a Pytonian!

Fire Manipulation: Tank after witnessing the fiery villain Demon Burn use his very dangerous fire to burn throughout all of Vegas once again wished to have Demon Burn's abilities! In return the comic book gives him demon Burn like abilities.

Vengeful strike: Tank after learning about an ancient hero named X-Claw, and his ability to summon iron claws out of his fist that could cut through anything. He wished to have X-Claws ability and thus the comic book gave him the ability to attack his enemies with metal claws, sharp enough to cut through space time itself!

Energy absorption: Thanks to Tank having almost all of the strongest heroes power. He would suddenly develop his very own abilities!

One of those abilities is energy absorption! This ability allows him to use his body as an energy generator, taking and storing energy!

That's it for now! Hopefully you guys enjoy. Feel free to suggest anything and let me know which format is best for this story!

 Feel free to suggest anything and let me know which format is best for this story!

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