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Tank: So cool. I can see all of the regular heroes training! (X-Ray Vision in use) Look there goes Wonder warrior! She looks so cool in real life!

Power Man: I see you love that camera, you want to be an anchor or something?

Tank: No I just want to be famous for recording the best super hero fights on WatchTube!

Power Man: I see. You will be there soon. You're the only person I will allow to record your experience here. Only because you will be enrolled at the university of heroes.

Tank and Power Man enter the building through the roof as a hatch opens up for them!

Tank follows Power Man into the Son labs HQ! He walks around the lab. In glass containers are different types of weapons and suits!

Tank walks up to a suit with a sword next to it. From behind Power Man would approach him.

Power Man: Ahh... I see you like Braino's suit!

Tank: I've heard of his historical adventures. My father also use to read me stories of his encounters with him.

Power Man: Tell me more of your father kid.

Tank: Umm, Well you see my father was weird. He never really stayed home or ever really even spent time with my mother. His name is Tony!

Tank would continue looking at Braino's suit while tightly wrapping his hands around his camera.

Tank: I know little of his job! Mother always says he was a traveling spy because he always wears black. Last time I saw him I was 5!

Power Man: Ever considered he could have had some kind of ability he passed down?

Tank: My mom told me he was powerless, but she claimed that he was noble and every time he was away he was helping friends she said!

Power man and Tank spent hours trying to think of Where Tanks power originated from. 

Power Man look through files for a Tony. Finding nothing except a doctor named Tony Toonic! Tank could not remember any last names except his own and it's his grandfather name. Which is Fesszo! Tank suggests they talk to his mother!

Power Man: Okay I will take you back to your mother after we get you processed and tested!

Tank: Tested? I don't like needles!

Power Man: On no, not that type of testing. We do that here but for heroes like us, there's no need. Our immune system's ability to fight off disease is 10 times stronger than that of regular people. Plus are skin can't be penetrated by such small things.

Tank: Cool. Wait so what kind of testing?

Power Man smiles before the whole room starts to change. As if they were in a video game. A simulation of a training room would appear all around the two.

Everyone who was working in the background disappears. A white and red suit appears on tanks body!

It tightens and hugs all parts of Tanks body! Power Man zips over to a command deck. Shortly after Tank zips next to him.

Tank: Wow Wow wow wow wow, I can believe this. I have to record.

Power Man: Oh you should not! (Laughs) Your going to embarrass yourself! I'm not going easy on you. You're the only one who can handle my power now!

Tank: Wait (swallows) Hell no, Why am I fighting you? I'm not ready for all that! Can't you just have um (thinks about other heroes). That one kid!

Power Man: I think you're talking about Blast?

Tank: Yes That's it! The fast skinny guy! (Smiles) I want to fight him!

Power Man: Your not slick Rick! (Points at Tank) You only want to fight him because he's lost almost every battle he's ever had!

Tank: Okay, You got me! I'm just. (Thinks about his hurt mother) Oh your right. I'll fight you instead.

Power Man: I knew you would come to your senses! Now let's get started Kid!

Power Man flys in the sky. Tank would quickly make his way to Power man. They both look at one another.

Tank no longer feels fear now that he knows he to has power like his opponent.

Power Man would get into his fighting stance. A soundless void of nothing would be heard. Until... BOOM! Power Man would Dash at Tank.

Tank at first thought to block but instead he uncontrollably lets outs A dangerous and huge blue beam of energy out of his eyes!

This beam quickly hits the shoulder of Power Man. A chard of burnt material from his suit would be smoking.

As the smoke clears. Tank would Dash at Power Man. Throwing a punch. Power Man blocks and throws Tank into the air before letting out a huge beam of energy from his eyes.

Tank sees this. To counter Tank summons his heat ray vision once again. A clash of blue and red lights shakes the simulation.

On the outside of the simulation a group of sun labs works are running rapidly as red alarm lights flicker....

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