Charming Encounter...

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Lyla's POV :   It's probably midnight or around midnight and I decided to leave my house to take a walk in town, I'm 17 years old and my parents dad is very old and boring and strict and my mom is quite young compared to my dad and she's less boring but she's strict, I'm not allowed to do anything...not allowed to go out with my friends in daytime, not allowed to have a man friend, not allowed to talk to other people...that's why at night I like to leave the house without their this town everyone idolizes the great "Zorro"...he's a great hero for all I've heard but I never saw him in front of me...never met him so I don't know what to think about him...I mean sure he's always saving us, saving this town and I'm grateful for that of course but it doesn't mean that the man can't be an asshole...right ?...I went into my parent's barn, there's no horses inside, it's kind of abandoned but I feel safe here, I sit down on the hay-covered floor and open the romance book I took with me to read and begin to read, I love romance, I'm a really romantic person, I never dated before and I'm not yet married because I believe in soulmates and I believe that one day I will find mine.

After a good 20 minutes I'd say of reading, I heard noises in town so I closed my book and walked to the doors of the barn, open them a bit and discretly look, I see men chasing...another man...the man that they're chasing...he's tall, all dressed up in black, a black cape, black mask covering his face and a black hat, he has a sword...OH MY GOD!!! It's probably eyes widen a bit at his sight...he's so...charming, i never thought i would think that of him...I see him making his way to the barn, i panic and run and hide behind a pile of i'm scared and in panic...i see him enter the barn running and closing the doors behind him, i think the men lost him...i accidentally make a noise while moving a bit in the hay, he looks behind him, towards me, from where the noise came and starts to come my way, i panic even more and don't know what to do, i decide to give up, i stand up and put my hands in the air at the same time as he takes his sword out and i say 

Lyla : "Alright alright...I was hiding i'm sorry please don't hurt me..."

He looks at me up and down and smirks and puts his sword away back in its place and says 

Zorro : "Hola need to fear nor hide from me, i will not harm you, i am here to protect you...what is your name ?"

I sigh in relief and smile at him, i love his eyes...he gets closer to me, he's much taller than me, i say

Lyla : "I'm must be Zorro...the man everyone in this town talks about..."

He smirks once again and nods at me as he takes my hand and gently places a soft kiss on the back of it before letting go and saying

Zorro : "Well pleasure to meet you Hermosa...Tell me, what is a beautiful young lady like you doing in this old barn at such a late hour...?"

I look into his eyes and smile and say

Lyla : "Running away from my prison..."

He looks at me with confusion and says

Zorro : "Prison ?..."

I giggle and respond

Lyla : "My parents..."

He then finally gets what i'm saying and the confusion flew away from his face only to be replaced with what seems to be his signature smirk

Zorro : "I old are you hermosa ?"

Lyla : "17 years old..."

I say with a soft blush covering my face

Zorro : "So young...yet so beautiful..."

We were standing so close to each other right now that I could feel his hot breath on my face, I kept looking at his eyes and at his lips which he was doing the same and when we were almost kissing he starts talking again...

Zorro : "I must go now...we'll meet again..." 

He says as he plants another kiss on the back of my hand before walking to the doors of the barn, I then say

Lyla : "Zorro ?"

He turns around to look at me

Zorro : "Yes hermosa ?"

Lyla : "When will you come back...?"

He smirks and says

Zorro : "When the stars show up..."

And just like that he turned around and left...I kept staring at the doors for at least 10 minutes after he left...i was smiling and also probably blushing...I never felt this for anyone before and I don't know what this is...all I know is that i want to meet him again tomorrow night...

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