The Tango

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The next day I woke up because of my mom, she was unlocking my bedroom door, i rub my eyes and yawn as she enters my room and pulls the covers away from my body and says

Mother : "Get up and get ready for school, now !"

Then she turns around and leaves my room, i roll my eyes at her as i get up from my bed and go downstairs to eat breakfast, as soon as i finished eating breakfast i went up into my room again to get ready for school, in school nothing interesting happened, i couldn't focus in class because i was always thinking about zorro, nothing really interesting happened during the day...then when the evening came, it was around 7 p.m. I was in my room reading a book when i heard my parents calling me from downstairs, so i went downstairs and into the living room where they were, they made me sign to sit so i did, i look confused a bit, then my mother says

Mother : "Tonight, me and your father will attend a ball, Don Rafael invited us and he wants you to be there too, his daughter Elena is going to be there too, so make sure to look beautiful even if i don't know if that's possible for you..."

I look hurt at my mother's comment but i am even more sad now that i know that i won't be able to be with zorro tonight...i just nod at them and get up and walk upstairs into my bedroom again as i close the door behind me...i start getting ready, i'm really sad but there's nothing i can do about it so i'm going to try to enjoy the evening...I hope Elena is nice, I put on my most beautiful dress and a bit of makeup as i fix my hair and put on my shoes and decide to not put any coat on even if it's a bit cold outside, I then walk downstairs and go to my parents in the hallway as my mother looks at me a bit shocked and then smiles and says

Mother : " look beautiful Lyla..."

She struggled saying those words, I smile at her and my dad nods at me, my eyes are watery, it's the first time my mother says something nice to me...we leave the house and enter the carriage, we arrive at Don Rafael's castle and i get off the carriage with my parents, i look at the castle in awe, it's beautiful, we enter the ball, i follow my parents and they go straight to Don Rafael to talk with him...

Father : "Ah ! Don Rafael good evening ! thank you for inviting us to your ball !"

Don Rafael smiles at us and says

Don Rafael : "The pleasure is mine ! Lyla is it ?"

He asks looking at me, I smile and nod, he takes my hand and plants a soft kiss on the back of my hand then he turns to a young lady next to him, she is really beautiful

Don Rafael : "Lyla, let me introduce you to my daughter Elena, Elena this is Lyla."

I smile at Elena and she smiles back, I nod my head at her

Lyla : "It's nice to meet you Elena !"

Elena : "It's nice to meet you too !"

Elena comes next to me and takes my hand and makes me sign to follow her so i do, she leads me to a bench inside the castle, we're still in the ball room, I smile at her and she smiles back

Elena : "I never saw you in this village before..."

Lyla : "Well that's because my parents never let me go out..."

She looks at me with a sad expression

Elena : "Oh...i'm sorry..."

I smile reassuringly at her and say

Lyla : "It's fine don't worry ! How old are you ?"

Elena : "I'm 20 years old ! and you ?"

Lyla : "I'm 17 years of age !"

She nods at me and then as she was about to speak again a man approached us and said

??? : "Good evening ladies, what are you two doing all alone here ? aren't you enjoying the evening ?"

We both look up at the stranger and my eyes widen, It's Alejandro ! The man I ran into in the street ! I smile and say

Lyla : "Oh Hello Alejandro ! How have you been ?"

He then smiles at me and says

Alejandro : "I've been fine and you Hermosa ?"

I'm sure he's zorro...i can't get that thought out of my head...

Lyla : " I'm fine..."

I then turn to Elena who was looking at us confused, i smile and say

Lyla : "Elena allow me to introduce you Alejandro Murrieta, Alejandro this is Elena, Don Rafael's daughter."

He smiles at Elena and nods at her, she smiles back, he takes her hand and kisses the back of it, i feel kind of jealous, i'm sure it's zorro ! i'm right ! it's impossible that i'm not right...he then turns his attention to me again and offers me his hand for me to take and says

Alejandro : "Shall we dance ?"

I smile and nod at him as i take his hand and get up, i look at Elena who nods at me and smiles, I smile back, Alejandro takes me on the dance floor and we start with a simple waltz like every other people are dancing, then when most people leave the dance floor, Alejandro looks into my eyes and says

Alejandro : "You wanna dance something a bit more...physical ?"

He smirks...there it is, that smirk...I smile and look into his eyes as i say

Lyla : "Sure !"

Then he approaches the musicians and asks for a music, Spanish Tango, he then comes back to me and we get in position, the music starts and we start dancing the tango, i never danced like this before but...I like it, I just go with the flow and people seem to appreciate it...he seems to appreciate it...this moment is pure magic...we're connected in such a way...such a romantic the end of the dance we were both panting and a bit sweaty, we were looking into each other's eyes, when we were about to kiss, people started applauding and we both looked at them smiling as he lets me go and my parents come to us...

Father : "Lyla ? Who is this man ?"

Alejandro smiles at my father and goes for a handshake

Alejandro : "My name is Alejandro Murrieta sir...your daughter is amazing I must say..."

My father has a strict look on his face, he doesn't shake Alejandro's hand

Father : "Well you stay away from my daughter !"

My mother grabs me by the arm and leads me away from Alejandro, I look back into Alejandro's eyes and i mouth the word 'sorry' he just smiles at me, a genuine smile, not a smirk...a smile...I smile back and my mom let me go, I go to Elena and she smiles at me, I smile back.

Elena : "Well I saw that ! You both were almost taking each other's clothes off there on the dance floor !"

We both giggle and i say

Lyla : "Nonsense ! I already have a boyfriend..."

Elena : "Really ? who is it ?"

She looks at me smirking, curious.

Lyla : "I can't tell's a secret."

I say and i giggle, then it was the end of the evening, I said goodbye to Elena.

Lyla : "I hope we'll meet again Elena ! Goodbye !"

Elena : "I hope we'll meet again too, Goodbye !"

We hug and i walk away, i wave goodbye at Elena, when we arrive home my mother locked me in my room as soon as i finished taking my shower as she promised me the day's probably around midnight, I hope i can meet zorro tomorrow night, I miss him so much...

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