Woke up in the morning, and the events of yesterday came flooding back. It was like my mind was waiting for me to wake up so it could remind me of what I am going through right now.
Agh, I dragged myself out of the bed and took my toothbrush along with the toothpaste and went to brush my teeth, and then washed my face. As I was busy outside the neighbor spoke to me.
Neighbor: ungowaka Zolani?
Zasembo: chabo angisiye owakaZolani
Neighbor: awu
I left her like that and went inside the apartment. Afterward, I cleaned the apartment and made some food for myself. I ended up not eating the soft porridge I had made for him the previous day. I made cornflakes and sat down and ate while my mind was far.
Since I was bored, I went to take a shower, then came back and scrolled through Instagram.
Around 12:30 during the day, Bendalo came back from work.
Bendalo: sawubona
Zasembo: yebo sawbona unjani?
Bendalo: ngiyaphila wena unjani?
Zasembo: ngiyaphila nami
She put her things down and sat on top of the bed.
Bendalo: akaze akuthumelele umyalezo uZolani?
Zasembo: chabo akaze ngikutshelile nje ukuthi ngeke
Bendalo: kuyathusa ke lokho ngoba mina ungithumelelile
That stung. He texted her and not me? Yes, I knew he wasn't going to text me to the fact that he really didn't text me, but he texted her still hit hard.
Zasembo: awu utheni?
I tried not to show that I was hurt.
Bendalo: uxolisile ngalokhu okwenzekile
That stung again. He apologized to her, and not me. He must really love her to ask for her forgiveness and not mine.
Zasembo: habee! uxolisela ukuthi ukufebelile wakuhlakisa noMnaks?
Bendalo: ngimbuzile ukuthi akabuyanga ngani ngoba usuhambile
Zasembo: wathini?
Bendalo: wathi ubenqena idrama ngamubuza ukuthi yani ngoba phela uyazi ukuthi angisiye umuntu onomsindo
Zasembo: ehee wathini?
Bendalo: wathi uyakwazi lokho inkinga uyazi ukuthi wena uwumuntu onjani ubenqena umsindo
Zasembo: amabhadi ami! Yazi ngisehlane ngiyalingwa!
Bendalo: usho njalo kimi ngavele ngathi okay ngathula
Zasembo: selokhu ufikile wena uke wangibona ngisangana?
Bendalo: chabo angikaze ingakho ngixakiwe nami
Zasembo: haybo uZolani
Bendalo: mina angisazi
Zasembo: ubulapha ngoNhlangulana?
Bendalo: yebo ngangilana
Zasembo: ingakho athi angeke ngikwazi ukuza lana ngoba kwakukhona wena
Bendalo: wathini?
Zasembo: wathi kukhona umngani wakhe ongenayo indawo yokuhlala wathi kukhona yena lana uyoze ahambe ngesikade
Bendalo: haybo yimi njalo umfana owumngani wakhe?
Zasembo: kshuthi ngoba nakhu uthi kwakukhona wena ngaze ngamubuza ukuthi yena ulala nenye indoda embhedeni manje
Bendalo: angikwazi ke lokhu mina haybo
Zasembo: kunini sithi haybo!
Bendalo: siyoze siphelelwe amazwi
Zasembo: ay bandla
Bendalo: wafika la ngoNtulikazi?
Zasembo: yebo ngafika la futhi mase ngicabangisisa ubhaskidi onezinto zakho wawukhona kodwa wazixuba ezakhe nezakho ukuze ngingeke nginake
Bendalo: ngabona ngifica iphepha lasendlini yangasese ngathi hlampe begula futhi ngabona ibhantshi lakhe elimunyama ayethe likuwena ngaxakwa ukuthi lifike kanjani la wangichazela indaba engatheni nje ngaze ngamyeka
Zasembo: Heh ngangikhona la ukuthi angilalanga ke
She went out and went to take a shower. I sat and applied some waterless cleanser on my sculp and massaged it. When I was done, I cleaned it and went to wash my hands, but I was met by a smell of cigarettes. It was coming from. The shower, then it hit me. Bendalo smokes, again something I don't do. Zolani doesn't like a woman who smokes, so what's so different about her?
I washed my hands and went back to the room. She came back and sat with me. She was already dressed.
Zasembo: uZolani akasithenganga isishebo esiyinyama yazi
Bendalo: asiye kaSpar siyothenga
Zasembo: ngikhohlwe ikhadi lami lasebhange ekhaya ngizowenza uCash send ke
Bendalo: kulungile
I wore another piece of clothes because it was cold outside, then we went to Shoprite instead because Spar didn't take out cash send.
After 2 hours or so, we were back in the apartment, and she was cooking for us. I chose to just go through my phone and not pay attention to what was going on because if I did, I would faint on the spot.
As we were sitting there was a knock on the door. I got up and went to open. The neighbor was there.
Zasembo: sawbona
Neighbor: yebo unjani
Zadembo: ngyaphila wena unjani?
Neighbor: ngiyaphila nami
Zasembo: kulungile
Neighbor: kunomlisa ofuna uZolani
Zasembo: ukuphi?
He pointed outside so i peeped.
Guy: hello my sista
Zasembo: yebo sawbona
Guy: sho sho ukhona uZolani?
Zasembo: chabo akekho
Guy: oh uhm ikhona iCherry yakhe?
I turned to Bendalo and laughed.
Zasembo: Bendalo iya
She went and came back.
Bendalo: ubefuna ukumudayisela iBurger enensangu ngamutshela ukuthi akabhemi
I laughed. We had our dinner and slept. I slept because I was bored and Bendalo slept because she had to go to work at night.
At exactly 11pm, Bendalo was getting ready for work. I watched as she put on Zolani's watch and used his perfume. She did all of that in front of me. Did she not care that I was also hurting? Was she doing all of this because she knew that he was going to choose her? Many questions rushed through my mind, and my heart sank. How can Zolani put me through so much pain?
She styled her hair and then left. I was left with my thoughts and unanswered questions. What was it that really made Zolani do this? There had to be a valid reason because no man on Earth would ever let his two girlfriends be in one room for so long.
Short StoryZasembo: Zolani sila sobabili manje usihlalise izinsuku ezinhlanu sobabili la endlini yakho Wake wezwaphi kuthiwa iyenziwa lento oyenzile? Asikwazi ukuhlala kanje nawe uthuli khuluma kuzowenzekani Zolani: yazi bengihlala ngazi ukuthi noma kungenzek...