Chapter 2

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The following morning, I started my day by checking in on Gwen. I usually wake up early, so I didn't expect for a seventeen-year-old to be wake yet. I knocked on her door. No answer. Ordinarily I would have just come back later, but considering the emotional state she was in, I felt obligated to make sure she was okay. I opened the door and poked my head in.

"Gwen? It's Melora. Are you up?"

The only light in the room was coming from the lamp on the nightstand.

"I'm awake." A small voice said.

It was difficult, but I was able to make out Gwen's face in the near darkness. She was still in bed, swaddled in blankets so that only her face was visible.

"Hi. May I come in?"

"I guess." She said without any emotion.

I shut the door behind me and pulled a chair next to the bed.

"How are you feeling today?"

Gwen stared off into nothing. "I don't know."

"A little numb, perhaps?"

"Listen, I get that you're trying to help me, but I am really, really am not interested in talking right now, okay?"

I'm not a psychiatrist. I've never even studied psychology, but as much as I know the importance of expressing your emotions, I also know when you should let someone be.

I nodded. "Okay. I'll give you some time. Can I interest you in some breakfast? I'm happy to bring it to you."

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay. But if you change your mind or need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me. Which reminds me."

I picked up the tablet that sat on the desk a few feet away.

"This tablet is programed to only have access to the people physically at headquarters. Just go to contacts and search for my name. Easy peasy."

I set the tablet on the nightstand, "I'll come back in few hours."


    After I saw Gwen, I went to the dining hall for breakfast. It was the usual spread: an enormous buffet with countless delicious options. I greeted several spider-heroes as I made myself a couple of tacos, then grabbed a few empanadas before I headed back out. I had been around since the Spider-Army was founded, which meant that I had met every single member, knowing some for several years. They all had their own lives back in their own dimesnsions, so many of them weren't able to spend too much time at HQ. I was able to build some strong friendships though.                                                                

I made my way through the busy corridors, getting into the elevator with Spider-Monkey, Silk and a Spidey Aunt May. When I got out on the top floor, I was face-to-face with Jess and Hobie, AKA Spider-Punk. Hobie and Jess both had busy lives in their dimensions, but Jess was committed to the Spider Society's mission and Hobie—well, Hobie just did whatever the hell pleased him. Hobie detested authority, and it could be a pain in the ass to get him to go on assignment, but he was reliable when you were in a jam.

"Mel!" Jess cried.

"Jess!" I said back, trying to capture her cheery tone.

"Good morning, Melly." Hobie said.

"Good morning to you."

"Hey, how's Gwen? Is she alright? Or whatever the dialed down version of 'alright' is?" asked Jess.

I sighed. "It's too soon to tell. She's very depressed. She hasn't gotten out bed at all. I'm staying on top of the situation though."

"Maybe I should go see her. I saw what happened." Said Jess.

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