Part 18

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The past two weeks in the Severide/Kidd household were pretty great. Everything seemed to be back on track with them—all four of them. The test results revealed ninety-nine percent that Madison was his daughter. The relief that washed over him was unlike anything he had ever felt. Even though, deep down, he was serious, blood or not, Madison was his daughter, and he wasn't going anywhere. But man, was he happy to know that she was his and no one was going to try and take her away from him ever.

Haley was back to calling him dad, which added to his happiness. Stella and the baby were doing well, and the baby was healthy; she was now about nine weeks old. The only thing that would make him happier was to get Stella to agree to marry him. And that plan was supposed to happen tonight. Hopefully. 

The girls and he were going to fix Stella dinner tonight and make her a special cake. They had it all planned out for the whole evening. He had the ring in his pocket and a hopeful heart that she would say yes this time. He's not sure what he'll do if she says no. But he was thinking positively and staying hopeful. She just has to say yes; she has to. He wasn't accepting any other answers.

Kelly walked through the house looking for Stella, finding her sitting in the girls room on Haley's bed. "Hey! " He said this as he walked into the room. "What are you doing?"

"I was putting their girls clothes away and was hit with a wave of emotions."

He sat beside her. "Why?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're going to think I'm crazy, but I feel the girls are acting strange around me. I'm not sure why, though; I haven't said anything or done anything to them. Not that I can recall."

"What do you mean?" He asked, knowing exactly what she was referring to; he knew she was going to start questioning things.

"It's just a vibe I'm getting; they try to avoid conversations with me; Haley won't even look me in the eye, which is not normal. We've always had a close relationship, but lately it's like she is keeping something from me, and it's starting to bother me." She sighed as a few tears dropped. "I thought Madison and I were getting closer, but I must have done something to upset her. Because she is acting like she doesn't want to be in the same room with me."

Kelly held her close as she cried; he knows the girls are only acting that way because of the surprise they are planning for her. They are both worried that they will ruin it if they talk to her too long. Haley knows her mom knows when she is hiding something from her, so she is avoiding her all together. Haley is a talker and likes to tell everyone everything. She already told Gabby, Matt, and Jennifer about the plan. "You want me to talk to them and see what they say, for you?"

"No, I'm probably just being paranoid; my hormones are making me paranoid, I guess." She wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm all up in my feelings today. Damn pregnancy." 

"You don't have to be sorry; that's why you got me, so you can vent to me, cry on my shoulder, and whatever else you want to do. Pregnant or not?" He kissed the side of her head.

She smiled at him. "I think I'm going to take a nap. I didn't sleep well last night. I'm pretty sleepy."

"Okay, I'll pick the girls up."

She stands up, but before she can walk away, He picked her up bridal style. "Kelly, what are you doing?" She laughed. 

"I'm helping you to our room."

"I can walk."

"I know, but I wanted to carry you." He kisses her cheek. He walks into their bedroom and gently lays her down; she pulls him into a kiss, and he climbs on top of her. The kiss is getting more heated by the minute. "I thought you wanted a nap." He said it in between kisses.

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