Saying Goodbye

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Rosalinas pov*
Warning:swearing,talk of death

Ever since I was young, I have never loved in life. I was only seen as a demon bitch if a mother and father were never loving tords me.they only loved my twin older brothers and my little sister who was only one year younger then me.

School wasn't much better. Either people would just avoid me or would bully me.They would call me "freak"or"monster." It didn't help that my family was not only well-known but very VERY wealthy.

The reason behind them hating me,well I don't know honestly, but the braking point was when I got my quirk.I was a late bloomer.all of my siblings got their quirks before I did.

They all were about 5-6, when they got theirs,I was 7 when I got mine.They all hated me even more now.I would watch the hero's saving people, and all I wanted was a hero to come and save me as well.

All I wanted was to be loved,but when I turned 8, I realized that was all just a fantasy.So I took it upon myself to solve the problem when my brothers would lock me outside I would go into the forest and train my quirk.

it started with little animals like frogs,fish,and rabbits.then, bigger animals like deer,you get the point.That was all leading up to my revenge agents everyone who wronged me.

On my 10th birthday, I put my plan into action.I covered all the hallways with gasoline and different flammable objects.when a teacher came out of their classroom because of the stench of gasoline,they saw me standing at the end of the hall.

"HAY KID GET TO CLASS!"They yelled. I turned around and smirked as I pulled out a red button.I jumped out of the window behind me and pressed the button.Then bame the school was destroyed.

Everyone in that building died,everyone becides me.Tho, everyone thought I had died.After a day or two I went to my old house when I got in to see my parents in the lounge they weren't scared that there presumed dead daughter was standing before then.

No, they got mad that I wasn't dead.i used my quirk on them and distorted their bodies.praticly every bone in their body's where broken my brothers watched the whole thing.

They were the easiest kills. Once our parents were gone, they ran away to their room.when I got in, I smiled as I manipulated their bodies to run off of the upstairs hall landing on the bottom floor.

I walked down,used my quirk,and made them fight to the death.i layer their body's on the floor next to my parents when I heard the fant crys of my little sister.

"Sissy?where were you?mommy and Daddy said that you went to hell.I-i mist you,"she cried. "Why are mommy,daddy,Kevin, and clide on the floor?"she asked.

"They went to where they were created."I replied, not wanting to look her in the eyes.After a pause, i asked her,"I-I love you,you know that, right?"
I asked her."y-ya," she said, tears now flowing out of her eyes.

"Good, I-I'm sorry,"i said, now crying as I used my quirk on her.when I was walking tords her, I heard her last words, "I love you too, Rose."she answered as the light that once warmed my heart fade from her eyes."I-I'll miss you, karla,"

Lillith pov*
I woke up in a daze, and my body hurt like hell.i looked around to see currents on both sides of me.the room I was in was all a clean white.i saw a heart monitor to my right and a side table to my left.once I managed to push through the pain and sit up I heard the door open.

I looked up to see a nurse holding a brown clipboard in her right hand."Ah, you're awake. That's good."she said with a light smile on her face."w-where am I?how did I get here?"I asked.

"You're at the were found unconscious by the bus stop in critical condition."she answered.

"Can i ask you some quick questions?"
"Good,first, what is your name?"
"lillith Bloom"
"How old are you?"
"I'm 16"
"Are you in any pain?"
"My entire body hurts."

"Ok, there seems to be no memory loss that's good,"
"Do you know what happened?"
"I um it was -" I was about to reply until a police officer walked in.

"You can save those questions to me,"the cop said. When he came in, the nurse got up out of the seat and left with the cop leaving behind.

I looked around and saw my phone on the table next to me.i grabbed it and turned it on to see that it was not only 5 in the morning but also karla,Artemis,shino,and a few others had been spamming me with text messages and calls.

I wanted to call them and tell them what had happened, but my body wad in too much pain,so I just sat there scrolling through my text messages.

A few minutes later, the cop from before walked in and sat next to me.
"Ok, so,do you remember who attacked you?"
"I-it was the same person who had the rose colored cat mask on."
"Shit, Ok the rose cat,"
"I know who is behind the mask,"
"Ya, I know the rose cats identity,"
"Who is it?"

"My roommate in marnarch Academy Rosalina. I don't know her last name, though,"
"That is completely fine. we can assess her information from your school"
After that, he got up and ran out of the room.

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