The End?

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Lillith pov*
It has naw been 4 months since police came and arrested my dad's lucky won the court case and got full custody of me.for 2 months, I had to use cruches to get around but naw I can walk on my own.

Me and karla are still in a relationship,not only us but my bio dad and my stepdad got together and are naw boyfriend and boyfriend so that's cool.

I haven't seen my mother since the one time I visited her in prison.nothing much happened. I just told her about what was happening and that if I were to ever see her again, I would get a restraining order agent her.

Becides that my life is way better.I even got a therapist that I visited twice a week.i also met karlas grandparents.

So that's my story. I hope you all enjoyed.

Unknown pov*
Soon, I will get my revenge agent you two soon. I.WILL.COME.BACK!

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