Q&A (11/25/2023) + Discord

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Alrighty! A week has passed and a good amount of you guys have submitted some interesting questions. This is between Wattpad and Archive of Our Own and a few people here did ask more than one question.


"What are your thoughts about the upcoming Murder Drones episode 7 and 8? What are you looking forward when it comes to characters, the story, or revelations?"


"What are your theories for the last 2 episodes of season 1, if you have any?"

I can say I'm about as hyped as mostly everyone, albeit a little anxious given the finale is drawing near (whether there's another season planned or otherwise). I will say, given the very brief teaser, it seems like we're missing Tessa for a good bit which is a little disappointing and the church thing is throwing me a bit for a loop (although fitting, we've been hearing bell chimes within the soundtrack since the main theme, so that's good foreshadowing)

I'm just hoping we'll get a healthy dose of proper lore, and I'm talking about it being explained to us like we're pre-schoolers. I've been sick of dancing around it since the bait-and-switch with "Home" not being a real prequel episode. Although wouldn't hurt to have J show up and do something important (I'll at least settle for finally getting J merch, Lizzy has some for god's sake).

Otherwise, I currently have no real theories on it.


"Will Dror's deceased parents be brought up in future chapters? Do they or one of them have a connection with characters like Nori and Yeva from the Cabin Labs?"

I can confirm that Dror's parents will be relevant at some point in the future, well beyond Prelude. And I can sufficiently say the characters of Dror's parents themselves won't be all that interesting, instead the circumstances that surround them and their death is the real focus. 

Also since I joked about it a bit, will confirm Alice and Dror are unrelated. They just happen to have similar aesthetics.


"How will the other murder drones react to seeing Dror?"

Obviously speaking I can't go into specifics with that, given that Dror will meet each of these characters in one way or another eventually, but I can list how each one views Worker Drones and you can draw your own conclusions from there:

Serial Designation D - Workers don't resonate at sentient beings to him, they are merely walking targets that only serve as food, tools to look good for the company, and most importantly a way to violently relieve stress. 

Serial Designation M - Similar to her squad leader, Workers as people doesn't factor to her. At best they're a good buffet.

Serial Designation W - No thoughts, head empty. He doesn't have any sort of opinion on Worker Drones, he just fulfills his objectives. 

Serial Designation Z - She has nothing against Worker Drones at all, if it weren't for the orders of the company and the threat of overheating then she'd simply just ignore them for the most part. But she doesn't feel any regret over killing them either, even she enjoys a good hunt and fulfilling the will of JCJenson matters greatly to her.

"What would Dror say to J about how rudely she treats N? I can imagine a chapter where Dror sees J abusing N like she did in the pilot (before said pilot) and Dror talking to her about how regardless of kill counts it's a rotten thing to do."

For the most part, Dror would probably let the incident run its course before going to J afterward when she cools off and try to convince her to avoid doing that, most likely convincing her by how pointless it is and instead drawing attention to how little it's helped N improve in the past. Dror wouldn't see her any differently for it, he's already aware of J's disdain for N and V so it's no surprise that harsh discipline would be a norm for hyper-aggressive murder machines. 

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