Licorice Cookie and his animal friends

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Ah witchery, what wasn't there to love? It could be used for many a good deed, or, in the case of Licorice Cookie: Less than good deeds. On this chilly autumn day Licorice Cookie sat with the other cookies of darkness at their table, a cauldron facing him. "Please make this worth our time…" Pomegranate scorned "Dark Enchantress Cookie will be here later this evening and if you think I will side eye my master for one of your party tricks you're-" Licorice Cookie cut her off with a scoff "I know what I'm doing!"

…But did he?
Despite saying this was gonna "totally help the team!" Licorice had about 0 idea what he was casting, as he simply ripped a random page off one of his many spellbooks. Yet here he was now in front of five cookies with all his ingredients….no time to rethink this, time to spellcast! 

"Just watch my brilliance!" He said, confidence running through his veins as he placed the ingredients into his cauldron

The eye of a jelly newt
A touch of candy moss
The tail of a jelly wyrm
"And a feather from the wing of a Raisin crow to end us off!...or was it the feather first?—" Before Licorice could properly question his decisions the cauldron started bubbling..and bubbling..and bubbling before finally coating the room in a pinkish mist.

By the good name of Dark Enchantress, what had he done??
It was quiet
Very very quiet. When you're in a room with these guys, quiet is the last thing you want it to be. Very hesitantly Licorice opened his eyes and cleared the fog, and much to his shock he found that where his acquaintances once sat there were now….animals???

"What on earthbread????" He crouched down to the small lot of critters, who now were beginning to move about "Well- I'M surely not taking blame for this, so wha- AH! HEY!" In the middle of his sentence Licorice was interrupted by the tongue of a purple jelly frog hitting against his face. "Let's try this again, what-"
The mention of the little frogs name made them cease the repetitive licking, and Licorice placed them on the table with a sigh
"NOW STAY PUT! Here I am trying to do something nice and this is what I get! Must it always be youUUWOAHWOAHHEY-"
From one issue to another Licorice quickly felt himself get knocked down, looking up to see his fated "attackers" his eyes met with two small cakehounds, one a dark brown and the other possessing an eye of charcoal black. "Velvet. Brute. Off me." Licorice said expectantly, unfortunately for him the dogs had other ideas,  like using him as an improved trampoline for instance! Now was Licorice TRYING to free himself from this animal induced mayhem? Yes. Was it difficult to so much as stand without one of the jumpy duo trying to bite him? Yes. But hey, there was NO way that it could get worse…right? 

Well, up on top of a shelf holding many small vials and trinkets of trouble there was a particularly dangerous bottle, and a white and brown speckled cat across from it

"..Affogato" Licorice sighed

"Meow :3" The cat took a step towards the bottle

"Can you please….not??"

"Meow :3" And another step

"I will pay you if you just step away from that bottle oh my good lord-"

Affogato thought for only a second, a small small second
And then took another step, knocking the bottle off the shelf with their paw

"WH—" Licorice felt his heart sink, brushing the dogs crushing his stomach off of him he slid across the floor to grab the bottle, which landed in his hands with a clink!

Letting out a deep breath Licorice Cookie looked up at the cat that was giving him a sly smirk, he rolled his eyes before refocusing on what was in front of him, a small red bunny that looked less than pleased with him. "Don't blame me for this!" Licorice exclaimed "It was you who made me lose concentration!" The small pome-rabbit squeaked in annoyance and took the bottle from Licorices hands, an action that he couldn't help but laugh at "Pssh- like YOU could open it like THAT!"
".......okay so maybe you can- BUT what are you gonna do anyways? Pour it on some lettuce?!"
A single drop of green liquid fell onto Licorices face, and he heard a giggle from the ruby red rabbit in front of him
"You little pest-"

Later that night, when Dark Enchantress Cookie walked into the house, it wasn't sure what to expect, she never really did when it came to her crew. However what it HADN'T expected in the least was
A jelly frog rolling around on the table
Two cake hounds running in circles
A cat lying lazily in the shelves
A rabbit cuddling up to her
A hole in its floor
And Licorice lying unconscious in the middle of this mock petting zoo.

She shook her head, it seemed that this chilly night of spellcasting was far far from over.

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