The ominous angel of the creme republic

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There are many stories of ghouls and ghosts on earthbread: Witches who boil and brew, zombies who tumble and fall about, and…vampires. Cookies of the night, with no reflections and a craving for the sweet tanginess of jam. And unfortunately for the three ancient heroes, there have risen suspicions of a vampire in their circle. The question of just how close they are to this midnight snacker is something that has evaded them for far too long, so they gathered the best of their forces, armed with cookiefixes, garlic, and a dash of holy water to solve this predicament. 

Gathered round a table, lightning flickering and dimming the welcoming atmosphere of the Vanilla Kingdom, five cookies talked amongst themselves.
"How do we plan to locate this creature?" Wildberry asked, lightly tapping the table "I mean…it's obvious no?" Crunchy Chip butted in "If we've concluded it's here, then we've gotta go everywhere it possibly could to trap it in!" There was nodding and silent agreement around the table before Clotted Cream Cookie spoke up "Wonderful start friend but…a bit one note of an idea, no? When it gets prime time for these- these jam enjoyers, we will all be in the same place. Giving them a perfect opportunity to evade us and continue their mayhem!" Crunchy Chip groaned and nodded before silence filled the room again, the room flashing white in tune with the lightning "What if…" Caramel Arrow turned to be facing the rest of the table "We go different places in pairs. Black Raisin can stay here around the castle, two of us can be around the rest of the kingdom, and the other two go and see what they can find by the surrounding woods." She gestured her head over to the crows accompanying Black Raisin "We could each bring a Raisin Crow, so if anybody is in trouble they can quickly find each other and us by extension." The cookies discussed some more before agreeing to the plan, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip splitting to the kingdom, leaving Caramel Arrow and Clotted Cream, raincoats and umbrellas in hand, to explore the bat-filled forest beneath.

Walking in tune with lightning's low rumbling and wolves' distant howling,  Caramel Arrow's eyes were quickly drawn to Clotted Cream in front of her. She seemed to almost glow in the moonlight, undeniably beautiful…in a,
scary sort of way. "Well-" Clotted Cream spoke, Breaking Carrows attention from the consul's face "The night is beautiful, no?" Caramel Arrows head tipped to the side "I mean, it's kinda..gloomy?" Clotted Cream nodded, not expanding on faer thoughts. Cautiously Carrow continued walking before a distant crack! Made the duo stop. Caramel Arrow clutched her bow and attempted to step forward before being halted by Clotted Cream. "Now now, you're the stronger one here. I'll go see what that noise was instead." "No, no Clotted I've got thi-" Too quickly however did the consul flee into the night, leaving Caramel Arrow to chase after faer. To navigate a forest you didn't know was difficult, and in the dark? Carrow was practically a bat trying to find her travel buddy. Tripping over stones and stumps she eventually had to pause to breathe. leaning against a tree, she called out "CLOTTED CREAM???"
The air was stiff.
Before the screeching of bat's erupted in the air.
Caramel Arrow yelped, tripping over her feet into the arms of Clotted Cream "Careful! We don't want anybody injured." Caramel Arrow looked around before replying "Where did you come from?!" "Where do you think?...Come on now, clocks ticking!" Clotted Cream held Carrows hand as they proceeded forward, and there and then Caramel noticed just how cold she was to the touch. The night even with rain was warm so for a cookie to be this cold? Something was wrong. Very wrong.

When the walking stopped the duo was placed in front of a small wooden cabin, drabby and eerie with a ceiling that leaked like a faucet. "I believe I heard someone around here." Clotted Cream explained. Carrow nodded before stepping inside, taking her alone time to grab a wooden stake from her back pocket. Once Clotted Cream was inside the two searched around the old house, finding their way up a hatch and to a dust filled attic. "My mind must've been playing tricks on me.." Clotted Cream adjusted herself to be standing in front of an antique wall mirror "Shall we get going Carrow?" Caramel Arrow opened her mouth before pausing
She had one chance
And she knew what she had to do
"In a sec…but first, stay there."
She stepped forward and glanced to look behind Clotted Cream
The mirror had no reflection.
She grabbed the steak that she'd hidden now in her front pocket attempting to lunge forward towards Clotted Cream, being stopped in her tracks by the consul, with surprising strength, pinning her against the wall. 

"Now now…" Clotted Cream lightly pet the other woman's face, filling Caramel Arrow with a mix of anger and fluster
"We're all cookies at the end of the day!"
"YOU…ARE A BEAU- HIDEOUS MONSTER!" Carrow couldn't help but yell, in hopes of someone possibly hearing her, even if it were just to be the crow left outside. "ALL THAT IS COOKIE OF YOU IS NOTHING BUT A HALF CONVINCING COSTUME!!"
"Well then…if you'd be so kind" Clotted Cream sighed, leaning in closer to Caramel to the point she could feel the icy breath of the vampiress against her dough
"Gift me what I need to be whole."
Caramel Arrow braced herself for impact and fastened her eyes shut,
And in tune with the lightning striking down…

Chu! ♡
A single kiss graced the top of her cheek.
"Wha- huh????" Caramel Arrow opened her eyes, a blush now covering most of her face
"I like you, Carrow." Clotted Cream smiled, the tiniest bit of faer fangs pointing out "And I don't want us to be in turmoil… would you be willing to keep a secret?"
Carrow knew she shouldn't, the risk was far too big and she could end this all right there and then. But..something inside her told her otherwise
"Okay. You're safe with me, as long as you just- don't…hurt anyone."
"Understood! It's a promise."
Clotted Cream finally freed Carrow from the wall, and the two walked out of the forest hand in hand.

When the two finally returned to the kingdom the sun was starting to rise, Clotted Cream lightly leaned against Carrow as they walked towards the group, leaving both of them half covering their faces to avoid being seen as a blushing mess.
Crunchy Chip looked toward both of them first "Oh! Hey! Perfect timing! I need your input on something! Vampires right? We've been discussing their powers while waiting for you and-" Black Raisin interrupted "It's said they have the ability to charm people, a sort of love spell…" "Which is totally just made up junk! Right Carrow?"
Caramel Arrow shook her head, quickly glancing to the cookie asleep on her shoulder
"Y'know Chip…it wouldn't shock me if they could."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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