Chapter 12: Early Morning

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George POV.

I hurried out of the staff quarters and over to the main building in the cold early hours of the morning. Almost nobody was awake at this point in time, except for a few members of security who were making sure nothing bad happened in the night (such as perhaps a stabbing in a certain someone's bedroom).

Sam, the director, had wanted to see me. Since he was really busy he told me to come as soon as possible, and I knew that he was a really early riser so I decided to come now, before breakfast.

That was part of the reason why I was going so early. The other part was because I felt bad taking up Karl’s room and decided to vacate it as soon as I could. I messaged him with a thanks for not coming and kicking me out just before I left.

“Good morning.” I greeted the two members of security as I walked up the front steps. My breath appeared in front of me to show how cold it was. I was perhaps dressed a little bit too lightly but the two security officers were both wrapped up warmly.
“G’morning Doctor Davidson.” The woman greeted me. “You are up early.”

“Yes, especially early for someone who infamously likes to sleep a lot.” I blushed in the darkness, something which neither of them were able to see. I had fallen asleep one time in the dining room once after one very slow quiz night and some people never let me hear the end of it.
“I’ll have you know that Sam wanted to see me.” I responded curtly.

“Perhaps your new patient stabbed another person or something. Sam might have decided to get rid of him.” The man suggested with a shrug, and I refused to comment. My hands buried themselves in my pocket, this was the same pair of pants that I had worn yesterday and I couldn’t find my keycard, perhaps I had left it in Karl’s room.

“Shit.” I murmured at the realisation. “I’ll be right back. I have to grab my card.” I was about to turn and leave when the woman spoke up.
“Dontcha worry Doctor.” She said, her New York accent pushing through. “We’ll let you through. We trust that you ain’t gonna cause any harm.”

“Yeah, you aren’t gonna stab anyone… unlike some people.” The male turned in the darkness and swiped his own keycard through the door before opening it for me. I gave the pair a nod of thanks before walking inside, having quickly grown annoyed with the male member of security, which was part of the reason why I never bothered to talk with him more than I had to.

It was warm inside of the building, immediately making all of my previous shivers subside. The hallway was also lit, and I took a moment to adjust to the change in lighting. Then after that moment had passed I began walking upstairs to the floor with all of the offices so that I would be able to see Sam.

Because of the early hour it was silent. My footsteps echoed throughout the building as I walked over the tiled floor, making me feel self conscious and begin to think that I was involuntarily waking everybody up.

Halfway to the director’s office though I found out that that was not the case. Even though I might have been making enough noise to wake some people up it was nothing compared to the sounds that were coming off of the second floor. When I stepped out to see who was making that noise I almost collided with three boys.

“Doctor Davidson!” The tallest of the three boys explained with wide eyes. “We are so sorry Doctor. We didn’t mean to hurt you, we can…”
“Don’t worry you didn’t hurt me.” I reassured the trio. “But you can not be running around and screaming at 6:30 in the morning. People are trying to sleep.”

“Sorry.” The tallest and shortest of the trio said in unison, but the boy in the middle was different.
“We are planning on going to build a kingdom in the forest!” He explained proudly. “And we are going to train to become knights and-”
“I understand it might be an exciting day Tommy, but you still can’t wake everyone up.”

Tommy was Philza’s son and lived here with his father and brother. He lived in one of the staff accommodations in a room that was a lot bigger than most of the others (solely because he was a part of a family unlike Karl {for instance} who lived there alone). “I won’t tell your father under the condition that you remain quiet, do you understand?”

“I just wanted to tell you that Wilbur was planning on teaching us how to make bows and other weapons!” Tommy bragged, feeling proud of his older brother.
“That’s very interesting. Don’t bring any weapons back here though, you don’t want to scare people like last time when you played ‘war’. Also make sure none of you miss your lessons.”

There weren’t many teenagers who lived at the estate, but there was a tutor who came in four days a week to give them lessons on basic things. Every day there’d be an hour long lesson for Math, then English, then Science, and then finally History. That way their grades wouldn’t slip by the time they were released.

“We won’t.” The trio reassured me before hurrying past me downstairs. I rolled my eyes before continuing upstairs to the office. When I finally reached the door I took a moment to inhale slowly to prepare myself for whatever Sam wanted to talk about. Then I nodded to myself as a form of reassurance before knocking on the door.

I was quickly told to come in and so I opened the door before stepping inside. There was another change in temperature as Sam for some reason had the window open. Perhaps it was some sort of technique to keep himself awake as it definitely shunned away any sleepiness that I was feeling.

After yawning lightly I hurried over to his desk and sat opposite him. “You wanted to see me Sam?” I said, smiling while attempting to avoid shuddering at the cold.
“Yes.” He responded. “I saw you and Clay sitting beside each other with the movie yesterday and it seems that you were getting along.”

“We were sir.” I responded. “It’s great how much progress we’ve been able to make after spending the day in town.” I grinned, perhaps this was him asking me here to praise me for my good work (it has been a while since I was given a raise so it might be a good time).
“There was another slip-up last night.” He told me, and all my hopefulness quickly died.

“Another slip-up?” I asked anxiously. “Did somebody else get hurt?” Did he attack someone after storming out yesterday?
“Nobody is hurt.” He reassured. “He just broke some stuff in his room. Threw some other stuff around.”

“Oh.” I sighed. We had brought a few things which I had personally thought were quite nice. “So would you like me to talk to him about it?”
Sam nodded. “That would be appreciated, but I was also wanting to request that you move to live part time in the staff quarters.”

“Really?” I asked him, my brows furrowed in confusion. “Why?”
“Well you seem to have a connection with him. If you are nearby and there is another accident then you can deal with it quicker. Maybe with him knowing you are closer to him then he will misbehave less.”

I nodded in understanding. “Is that all?” I asked, to which there was a nod.
“I’d like you to have some stuff brought here for when you stay here by the end of the week.” He told me. “Is that understood?” I nodded. “Good. Thank you Doctor.”
1338 words

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