Chwpter 27: Pouring Rain

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George POV.

The blond cautiously walked out of the building, looking around for a moment before looking over towards me. It was hard for him to see me due to the rain, and it was difficult to see him as well but I had seen the movement of the door opening and the familiar figure walking outside before saying goodbye to the guards.

I felt bad for the members of security, having to stand out in the pouring rain all night, at the very least they were dressed warmly against the harsh weather. Neither of them cared that Clay, or Dream, was leaving, since I had talked to them about it earlier.

When he reached me he pulled me into a tight hug, not caring about how both of us got even more wet at the touch. "Evening Georgie," he grinned, nuzzling up against me.
"Good evening," I replied, not saying the name since it was hard to tell who I was talking to in the rain and darkness.

We got into my car, in preparation for the rain I had already set some towels down over the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. There were also some more towels in the back seat for us to dry off with, and some spare clothes as well.

The two of us laughed and I looked over at him, seeing the sparkle in his eyes I could tell that it was Dream and not Clay. "I brought you some dry clothes." I told the blond. "They are in the backseat. There are also some for Clay in case he shows up." Dream smiled lovingly and thanked me with a kiss to my cheek.

"You think of everything." He told me, causing me to blush bashfully, or perhaps that was from the kiss. "Honestly you are smart enough for all three of us; me, Clay, and you!"
"No need to say that." I responded, brushing off the blond. "Just put something dry on and then we can go for dinner."

He nodded and reached into the back seat. I had grabbed a shirt for both of them along with a hoodie and a pair of warm pants. "Your's is on the left," I explained, with Clay's clothes obviously being on the right since it was hard to see in the darkened car. I just kept looking straight ahead, turning on the headlights and pulling out of my car park.

"So where are we going for dinner?" Dream asked, casually and carelessly pulling his wet shirt off of him. "I remember overhearing you talking about it to Clay yesterday."
"Oh, I thought that the best place would be an all you can eat buffet." I explained. "I booked us a table there this morning."

Then I explained my logic to him. "It's paying per head, so since there's two 'heads' going in, even though there are technically three of us, we only have to pay for two people. Plus it means we can get as much as we want and the only thing we have to pay for is drinks!" I was quite proud of myself for coming up with it.

"We can grab two plates and you can eat, then if Clay appears he can fill up a plate!" I smiled at the thought before adding on. "I am pretty sure they have food from all over, like sushi and pasta and all sorts of yummy bread!" Dream seemed quite happy about this, as was I. I glanced over at him and saw he had completely changed and bundled his wet clothes in his towel.

Part of me was excited, I mean I hadn't been out to dinner in months with anyone, and now I was going with two interesting amazing people. The only thing ruining the evening was the dark and rainy it was, plus it was cold.

The two of us made some small conversation as I drove to the restaurant, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It was somewhat soothing, and I ended up dropping one of my hands away from the steering wheel which Dream took and held gently. It made me blush in the dark, and I was thankful for the fact that he couldn't see me.

My hand finally pulled away when we reached the restaurant, which was bathed in a golden glow through the large floor to ceiling windows. There was a spot where I was able to park but before I moved I took a long moment to look at the beautiful sight. There were a lot of groups in the restaurants, some families laughing with one another, and some couples giggling.

"This place is nice." Dream commented as I continued to look through the window. I simply nodded before looking back as I saw the blond moving out of the corner of my eye. "Um... George... I got you this." He spoke softly, and I glanced over to see a bouquet of flowers, wrapped in pretty blue paper.

"Thanks Dream." I replied, taking them and inhaling the sweet scents softly.
"I know they are not original, but I wanted to get you a gift." He explained. "So I went to the gardening club after seeing you this morning to pick some flowers, and then I joined the art club to get some paper and learn how to wrap them properly."

"Dream," this was honestly what I wanted, he joined all of these groups for me. It meant that he was socialising, which was definitely something. "This is so sweet of you. You really didn't need to do all of that for me," even though I did want him to socialise.
"But I did, George." He responded. "You invited me for dinner. It's the least I can do."

Before I could say anything he continued. "I would have also gotten you chocolate, but there were no cooking classes in the kitchen today so I didn't have any opportunity to sneak in and grab you some."
"Well the flowers were more than enough."

I climbed out of the driver's seat and set the flowers down on my spot. "I'll have to put these in water when I get home." I told him with him nodding in understanding. "But I can focus on that later. Why don't we go inside and enjoy this buffet?"
"That sounds nice." He replied.
1168 words

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