Chapter 4

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Moonfeather was getting hebs for the clan when she heard soemthing from the bushes.She hissed and got ready to jump.

But instead of a fox or rouge a sand brown she cat with a bleeding eye stumbled out of the bush.

She was badly wounded and her eye looked infected.

Moonfeather ran over to the injured cat and tried to figure out how badly injured she was.

-Who are you and What hurt you ?, she asked when she saw it was nothing fatal.

-I'm cream, she managed to say,

-Okay cream,Moonfeather Said and tried to help the molly stand.

She carefully helped the molly get to their camp

She ran over to the medecin den to get some herbs that could help her.

After spending the day treating the cat together with Moonheart They Were able to get her strong enough to speak

-Who or What hurt you?, Moonfeather asked kindly

-I was mates with a loner, and i tried to leave him becuse all he ever talked about was whanting revenge so i got scared. But he did not let me leave without a fight, it was a miracle that i even escaped, she mumbled clearly to tired to talk about it.

Moonfeather walked over to Stormheart.

-I think i know who hurt her,she Said with the rage bubbeling up inside of her

-Who? Stormheart asked

-She Said he kept talking about revenge, i think it might be Lightwisker.

-You think he's still alive?, Stormheart asked with a serius look.

-I think he is more than alive, i think he is getting stronger,she Said with her tail flicking.

-You may be right,Stormheart meowed after a while.

-I just wish we can get rid of him so we dont have to fear that he is going to start a war, Moonfeather sighed.

Moonfreather has spent the last 2 moons dreading the war. She knew it was not long untill Lightwisker and the darkforest got What they whanted and all she whanted to Do was to return ro her life as an app Were her anger towards Lightwisker only was a way to keep him safe. Now he was a fully trained warrior and based on What he had Done to Cream she did not doubt that he would go as far as kill the whole of Splashclan.

Stormheart ended up spending most nights in the medecinden with her becuse she felt as if she would get atacked in her sleep.

Moonfeather trotted over to her den hoping to get some sleep.

The next day was warmer so she decided to go on a walk. She found a Nice spot in the sun Were some butterflies Were.

She layed down in the Grass sniffing the warm air.

Stormheart gently came up to her and laid next to her. He watched one of the butterflies as it got closer to him.

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