Dad's minibar

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'This dance blows, why'd we even come?' Daria asks Jane, Jane started to speak before beign cut off. Upchuck stood on the stage, microphone in hand, 'hello fair ladies of the audience, the teachers of this school tried to silence me, but I shall play you my ode!' He shouted, while turning on the records to a love song. 

'Oh God,' Daria said, turning her head to meet Jane's terrified face, 'Hey Daria, I think I've seen enough of DJ Upchuck, let's get that burger,' 'Wait a minute, not too soon, look over there,' Daria said, pointing over to Tiffany and Sandi walk in, 'Look at the fashion club, their separated, you owe me.' 'We'll talk about it on the way, come on, I'm hungry!' Jane said, walking towards the door.

Just as the door swung close, the other door swung open Sandi and Tiffany walked in. They stood impatiently, waiting for Quinn and Stacy. 'Those two are up to something, I know it,' 'Noooo wayyyy,' Sandi, angry at Tiffany's vapid response, 'Tifannnyyy I'm being serious, Quinn and Stacy are plotting against us, they might-' Sandi looked around for the closest wall, stumbling back to it for effect, 'take over the fashion club!' She carried on, her accent thick and amplified in horror, 'Ohh noo!' Tiffany said, slightly louder than her usual monotone, 'I know! After we fix this bitch Jenni, look at her over there with Clark Johnson,' Sandi moved her eyes to Jenni.

Janni vapidly stared at Clark, her hair twisting over her finger. 'She's not even as popular as me, she shouldn't shop at Cashman's!' Sandi moaned angrily.

'Miss Li, stop it!' Upchuck said as she tried to tug on the cord to his microphone, yet again ruining DJ Upchuck's disco. He starts an offbeat freestyle, 'I have a car, my grades are on par, I'll let you drink from my Dad's mini bar!' His mic shuts off as he is edged out of the hall.

He winks to all of the girls he passes, 'Why hello there Jenniferrr' he said classically rolling his R's to a scared looking Jenni. Sandi let out a laugh before being met witha wink from Upchuck. He left out of the swinging doors. 

'Eeewwww Upppchuuuuck.' 

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