Silky soft Immorality (lemon)

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Y/n PoV
The late summer sun begins to set and so the beautiful golden hue shines through the huge glass window behind me, casting the room in a comforting warm glow.
I smirk at my screen as I read mitsuki's message again, the words oozing sexual desperation.

Mitsuki 🔥🥵❤️🤫🐆: Hey there big boy x
I was wondering when you could come and see me next, my slutty milf pussy needs a good fucking. Let me know okay? I'll get everything ready and cook you something delicious 😘 see you soon I hope xxx

Since father won't allow me to bring anymore girls around for two whole weeks I guess I'll have to spend my time elsewhere.
"*fake gasp* my goodness! Are you talking to another girl?" Breaking the blissful relative quiet, mother questions me, her voice filled with fake outrage.
I look up from my phone and gaze over to my diagonal left where mother and father lay on the couch, embracing each other.
The former of the two staring up at me with wide eyes and a cunning smile while the latter just glares at me, clearly still annoyed by my actions from earlier.

"Yeah well..I'm not allowed any girls around now Ma so I thought I'd go out for the night, I don't want to be a nuisance to anyone." Adopting a more relaxed tone to not anger either of them, I answer with puppy dog eyes and a sweet smile.
Before they can even answer if I'm allowed to go out for the night I begin typing out my message to mitsuki while keeping direct eye contact with them.
"Hmm i don't know, what do you think sweetie?" Mother softly inquires fathers opinion while snuggling up to him.
Father keeps his stare at me and hums in a way that makes me feel like he'll say no to punish me.
"As long as you message us back and stay safe then I don't see why not. In fact it might be good for you to give our neighbours some peace and quiet." With half squinted eyes and a stern fatherly tone, dad grants me permission to leave but doesn't let me go without a little snide remark.

Mother looks back to me and smiles lovingly.
"Then Of course you can! Have fun sweetie" strangely mother had lost her trademark mischievous tone and replaced it with pure love and support.
I nod while smiling at them, genuinely appreciating their kindness to me.
"Thanks Ma..thanks dad. I'll shower then head off okay? Don't bother cooking for me, I'll grab something" genuinely speaking with love to them as it's one of the moments where I feel most connected to them, I reply.

Both of them nod then go back to watching their tv show, some drama that I have no interest in.
I go back to typing with a cunning smirk
Me: Hey ;) Good news! I'm free for the evening so for as long as you want me I'm ready, I'll just shower then head over to yours if that's good?
As long as you're alone, don't want to have katsuki seeing me there and hurting me.

Keeping my message fairly tame and not too lewd, I press send and then stand up so I can head for my shower.
Quickly I walk past the couch so I don't block the tv for too long then continue walking before turning left into the hallway.
*VRRRRT! VRRRT!* my phone vibrates as I get another message.
I lift my phone up as I step into my room a few seconds later and of course it's mitsuki, she must be desperate if she's responding so quickly.
Mitsuki🔥🥵❤️🤫🐆: Hey big boy x
I've just gotten out of the shower and already I'm getting hot just thinking about you, I'm home alone..just little ol me.
I wish I had a big strong young man to come comfort me. So I'll prepare some food and get myself all dressed up...or is there any point? I don't imagine I'll be dressed for long xxx

With the cunning of a cat, mitsuki masterfully draws me in through her message while I step into my bathroom.
However before I can respond to her message that she only just sent, I receive a picture from her. A top down picture of her.
Mitsuki's flawless milf body wrapped in a towel that's far too small to cover the entirety of her massive breasts or hide her beautiful curves.
Her breasts sticking up against the fabric and her nipples just barely hidden while her thick hips press out the towel leaving just an inch of fabric to cover her pussy.
And another smaller towel wrapped around her hair leaving just the spiky blonde fringe sticking out.
God forbid I forget possibly the hottest part of the photo, her gorgeous face staring up into the camera wearing the sweetest smile and her beautifully squinted eyes speaking a thousand words.

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