Chapter 3 - Summer Love

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On this day, Harry was not woken up by his alarm, but by his parents knocking at his door.

"It's six o'clock, time to get up sleepyhead." His mom said through the door in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"I am awake. I am awake." Harry shouts back before sneezing loudly.

"You aren't getting sick, are you?" his dad asks.

"Well, that is his own fault, he didn't bring a jacket on the trip."

"I think I really caught something."

"Well, first of all you are coming and eating breakfast. After that we can think about what to do."

"OK", Harry answers, annoyed that his mom won't just let him stay.

Down in the dining hall, most people are already gathered. Harrys parents go straight over to the table with Patricia and George. The conversation that ensues, about US progress against the Mexican insurgents and the recent economic upturn, is of little interest to Harry. Everyone agrees with the US position anyway. Harry remains focused on playing sick, sitting hunched over, eyes half closed, sneezing all the time. To the point that Patricia's attention shifts to him.

"You don't look so good Harry. Are you ok?"

"No, I don't think so. Swallowing really hurts."

"Well, it better not. We paid a lot of money for this vacation. You are not going to be sick now." His mom intervenes.

"But maybe if he rests today, he is much better tomorrow. And you don't want it to get worse, do you?" Patricia voice cuts through the air like a knife.

'Thank you, Patricia. Without you this could not have worked.'

"Well, we could ask one of the tour guides on if it was possible for Harry to stay here for the day."

Luckily, it was possible. Harry would have to take some food from the breakfast because the kitchen staff was out this noon. But Harry could stay in his room and watch American TV or play on his phone. That was no problem. If Harry had any problems, he could just call for the guide that looked after the rooms.

After this good news, Harry went back to his room. And whilst the others prepared for their trip to Cambridge, Harry prepared for his meeting with Louis. For the whole time, his mind went crazy.

'I am going to see Louis again. I am going to spend an entire day with him. I have time from 8 to 6. It is going to be great. We are going to have coffee and sandwiches. And then he is going to take me back to his place and I can see how he lives. ... Wait! Isn't that the plot of like every romcom? The protagonists meet, they have a date and then they get together. Am I going on a Date? Did Louis invite me on a Date? And I didn't realize it? Why am I even doing this? I should not be going on dates with a boy. A good man dates woman. I, I shouldn't. I should just stand him up. Maybe he is just trying to have sex. Just fuck me and then cast me aside? Just use me? Isn't that what girls talk about when they talk about Fuckboys? But no, I am not going on a Date. He proposed a meeting. We are just meeting, as friends, to talk. This is not a Date. This is completely normal. I am completely normal. Even if I try myself out during this vacation. I am completely normal.'

Despite his reservations, Harry pulls out his phone to text.

"Hey, I managed to get out of the tour. When do you want to meet?"

"How about like in half an hour in front of the Pub? I know a really great coffee place near there."

"Yea, that sounds nice. Gonne be there."

A Week and a bit in London - Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now