(Response to Debunk made by Snake_Sage)

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(This is a response to the debunk made by Snake_Sage who disagrees with my assessment of Deku being FTL)

1.  The bending of his navel laser

Okay well, first, Aoyama's navel laser only travels in a straight line until he uses Supernova, his super-move, but other than that it only travels in a straight line. This doesn't disprove it from being light-speed whatsoever LOL in fact, light can bend and it's well known that it can, but it bends at a different speed. His navel laser can be traveling at the speed of light, but it travels slower when he uses Supernova his super move. That's not an anti-feat, especially when Aoyama abides by it traveling in straight lines in almost every single time that he uses it, aside from when he uses his "Supernova" special move.

[TL;DR of 1. The bending of his navel laser when he uses Supernova doesn't debunk his navel laser, considering that real light is capable of bending, and it does when it travels through other surfaces. It can bend but it just moves at a slower speed than when its traveling through a straight line. Aka, it's faster when he uses his regular navel laser, but its slower when he uses Supernova]

2. "It can't be light-speed because we've never seen it travel through vacuum space" 

This is a bit silly in my opinion, mostly because yes it hasn't been shown to travel through vacuum space, but that's because not only has it not gotten the chance to do so, there's not much to say to this considering that, well no it hasn't LOL so I'll give you that simply because well yeah no it hasnt 

3. Aoyama's suit

I'm not gonna cover this too much because, the stuff about his suit and what the navel laser is made out of, which besides the fact that it helps him control his quirk and things like that, is literally never explained so I can't just say that you're wrong and I'm right, literally because it's impossible to say wtf its made out of and I'm not going to just make some random assumption because I literally don't know, so continuing on

4. The whole "but Aoyama's navel laser has never shown to refract in anything else other than Toru", point

Okay first, Toru's entire ability is refracting light which is how she is able to refract Aoyama's navel laser in the first place, and that's how she becomes invisible, by refracting real light off of herself, turning Toru invisible, that same ability allows her to refract Aoyama's navel laser, which she herself states to be light right after its used on her and Toru refracts it. Which, because you still don't necessarily believe that it's light, or at least from what I've gotten by your words, already proves that it's light enough. But Aoyama's navel laser is almost never given the chance to actually do that, given that he's a side-character who almost never actually gets the chance to shine, and I don't believe he's ever actually had his own, 1v1 fight, that lasted more than like thirty seconds after him vs Mina, the most that it does is act almost just like a beam of light with minor hiccups, such as Supernova which I've already touched on, and the fact that it hasn't traveled through vacuum space.

[TL;DR of 4. Toru is more than enough considering her ability is to refract real light off of herself in order to become invisible, the same ability that allows her to refract Aoyama's laser, which she states to be light, by saying "my ability allows me to refract light" which she's not only been shown to do with his laser before, I believe I showed that in one of my panels? Correct me if I'm wrong, but says this RIGHT after refracting his beam of light]

5. Not being referred to as "light-speed"

Yeah it hasn't been referred to as moving at light, but it's treated exactly like light is, it straight up bends and curves which light is known to be capable of, it might not be traveling at the same speed of light when it does that, but it's still acting similarly to how light would typically act. Almost most of these aren't necessarily debunks, but simply things that Aoyama will never get the chance to touch upon in the first place, simply because, he doesn't have the spotlight and has never had a chance for his laser to be refracted in the first place, until he used it against Deku and Toru

[TL;DR of 5. Okay well no, it has not been referred to as light speed, but it is treated exactly how traditional light is, It refracts, it bends, it curves, it travels in a straight line, it illuminates areas which it's been shown to do, etc, so while it hasn't been referred to as light speed, it's treated exactly like how light is.]

6. The whole thing about it not coming from a realistic place, like a camera or whatever. This is true and one of the things that I actually do agree with, it's not coming from a realistic place but I'd argue that this isn't exactly something you can use as an "anti-feat" against a character in a Battle-Shounen, as this is the same verse that lets someone create explosions in the palms of their hands, acid, electricity, etc, and should be an example of suspending disbelief in order for it to work. This is one of the anti-feats for it being light-speed that I can agree with, but I think it's a bit silly, considering where it comes from

Okay I THINK that I've gotten through all of your points I might've missed one, so tell me if I did and I'll respond to it, but otherwise I think I did. At least to do with Aoyama's navel laser The whole "but he needed Danger Sense to avoid the bullets" is kind of a little silly considering his predicament. 

He's trying to run away and she's shooting from an insane distance away from him, but not only this, but her bullets can be made out of just about anything if I remember correctly, and she's constantly firing them without any downtime which is what Deku himself states, which can curve and hit from just about anywhere she can see him from. If he didn't have Danger Sense, regardless of how fast he might be, he wouldn't have been able to avoid shots that he literally cannot see and can't predict. This isn't him needing his knock-off Spider-Sense in order to outspeed the shots or anything like that, but instead to tell where they're coming from, because without it, he wouldn't have been able to tell that the bullet coming from him, was coming for him, and grab it right before it impaled him in his stomach lol.

And even if you wanted to relegate Aoyama's laser to just Massively Hypersonic, this still upscales about everyone to Relativistic+ to Light-Speed regardless when Season 1 Mina is capable of easily dodging and evading Aoyama's navel laser, which you have said to be Massively Hypersonic, which literally everyone upscales from, ESPECIALLY Deku who gets much faster and much stronger to the point where he straight up dodges Aoyama's navel laser right before it hits him, after not expecting it as it was about to hit Mirio who phased through it at the last second, and nearly hit Deku who easily evaded it right afterward

At a lowball its Massively Hypersonic, but relatively, it should be considered a beam of light that is moving at light speed, in my opinion, because 

TL;DR: Most of the criterias Aoyama actually DOES fit, his beam DOES travel in a straight line, it's stated to be light, it refracts against a character who refracts light off of herself, which she refracts real light off of herself which is her entire power is refracting light in order to become invisible, it might not come from a "realistic place" (inna Battle Shounen) and it might not have been shown to be traveling through vacuum space, but it's certainly a beam of light, the only argument here is whether it's massively hypersonic or light-speed, but regardless, you can still get them to light-speed or at the bare minimum relativistic by upscaling them from this, when s1 Mina should be Massively Hypersonic during the Sports Festival, who Deku massively upscales from

but you can debunk and tell me what you think on this

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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