It Came With A Alpha Mate!?

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Chapter 1:

"Why the hell are you in my bed Jenelle?" Joey one if my many older brothers asks more like yelled at me. To say I'm pathetic would be an understatement.

I start to cry as I tell him of my twisted dream that I have almost every night. Every since that tragic day.


I was walking with my mom in wolf form. When I was about 10 or a bit younger thatt's how they told me of our kind. They showed me and from that day on my mom and me would go for a walk her in her wolf and me every week.

It was quiet too quiet but I didn't pay any mind to it. I was telling her about my week when all of sudden there was a sound that made my blood run cold. The howl you hear of a pack protector went we are being attacked or rogues in our territory. My mom was still walking when I stopped to listen.

"Mom we have to go back we are being attacked!" My mom kept walking to the clearing. Acting as if I was not there.

"Mom we have to go back! We have to go now!" She never stops walking even after I pull her tail. Not a growl, howl, snap, snarl not even a acknowledgement that I was there. But there was growls and snaps just not coming from her. I could hear them before I saw them rogues and hunters. All of a sudden she was back to normal. Looking at me with worried and sad eyes. She pushed herself on me as a sorts of shield.

A very dirty an nasty looking man steps steps out in front of all the rogues and hunters. With a crazy twinkle in his eye and a twisted smile on his face. "Tara, it's been to long. But you haven't changed a bit. An look what we have here boys their daughter." He took a few strides toward us only to receive a deadly growl from my mother. An I coward into the side of my mother's side to try to hide from the evil man ahead of me.

"SHIFT. TARA. NOW. OR. I. WILL. KILL. YOUR. DAUGHTER." The man yelled at my mom as she gives yet another deadly growl toward them. All I could do is sit and watch an listen as he laughs at her for trying to protecting me.

"God dam it Tara I knew you were stupid but to get your own daughter killed. With that said I think I will kill you both. But kill her first so you can sit there and watch. An know THERE. IS. NOTHING. YOU. CAN. DO. TO. STOP. ME. HAHA." I watch as one tried to take me away from her. But she was too quick and killed him. With one flick of her huge paw the wolfs neck was ripped open.

"Impressive Tara but now you have pissed me off. NOW. KILL. THEM." An with that they all lunged foward at us. An I shot up in my bed shaking, crying, and sweating.


By this time I'm curled up in Joey's side crying my eyes out like a baby. With him saying calming words in my ear and rubbing circles on my back. Trying to ease my tears. He has never been able to stand it when girls cry.

"Thanks Jo Jo I'm sorry that I came in without permission. I won't do it again I promises."

"It's okay but next time wake me up so I can move over. You were almost falling off the edge when I woke up." Of all eight of my brothers I have to say Joey, Owen, Scott, and Jace can bring light to the darkest moments.

He gives me a hug and I leave to go to my room to get dresses for the day . I got black short shorts with a white tee-shirt. An a pair of Converse with my underwear and what not.

After finding out that my family and I are moving to a new pack that's ran by my dad's friend Tom to combined them. My siblings and I got our dad to build the perfect house with extra rooms so they can have their friends over and I can have Charlie and Aria over. It has a home threater, game room, art studio, indoor tennis and basketball court, and a "man cave". Which I will be going in, and I don't even know how many bedrooms, an a lot of bathrooms. But the best part is we all got to designed our rooms.

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